Canned cherries

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Spoiler warning

(I called this canned cherries because red's trapped, she's a cherry in a can. I'm a little weird lol)
Soooo, y'all saw Alan's new video??!!??!!

Red's been imprisoned by her friends because she messed up again. I'm generally mad at them cuz now Red's almost definitely gonna become bad. I already have my own thoughts on what's going to go wrong. She's probably going to be sitting in there for days on end, nothing to do, and we know by now she can't sit still, and because she has to sit still she will probably start thinking bad thoughts. She's going to go insane and then who knows. I have a thought, though, that somehow she will get connected to TDL or Herobrine and, if y'all know warrior cats I'm thinking like that, she "trains" with one of them and gets powerful and somehow gets out of the cage and this whole big fight happens and red finds herself unable to win, cornered on the ground. She begins to sob and realizes that what she did was wrong. But she doesn't think the gang will ever forgive her so she tries to run away but she can't and one of the CG grabs her arm. She looks back at the person with terrified and frightened eyes, still crying. And the same thing happens like the time she got possessed, they hug her and forgive her. They tell her that she shouldn't blame herself and that they realize they were the ones doing the harm. If they hadn't caged her up and just done something else this wouldn't have happened. And then there's the happy ending. And somewhere in there Reuben will play a part, I'm sure if it.

But I also have another theory that something happens and red's still in the cage but the others at fighting something and they are almost defeated and realize they need red to be with them otherwise "the puzzle falls apart" if you get what I'm saying. Basically, without red, the CG isn't what it's meant to be. They go back and apologize and stuff and then they go back to fighting.

I like the first idea best though.

Quick Bible quote for CG;

Peter asks if forgiving seven times is appropriate, and Jesus responds “not seven times, but seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22).
Which means forgive everyone for sins done against you as many times as they need to be forgiving

The gang really needs to hear that. I mean, of course punishment is due but don't shove someone into a cage like an animal, that's just abuse and will cause trauma, suicidal thoughts, self harm, the list goes on! Be smarter CG, y'all a little slow in the heads right now!

Anyway, happy holidays and merry Christmas! I'm working on a gift but I might give it after Christmas because I'm going to be busy.

So I misunderstood. Apparently (according to Cookieminh2404) reds just grounded. Things could still end out the same as I said above. Red gets mad and stuff. But just quick correction that reds not caged like an animal and is instead getting a punishment for messing around.
Honestly, I've never been grounded. I'd say that I wasn't a perfectly good child but my family hasn't ever done punishments like grounding or belt whooping. But somehow I've turned out better than most everyone I come across. I'm not a trouble maker or chaos cause-er like my friends. I do bad stuff in secret (like throwing away someone's school papers due that day while I'm alone in the locker room because I dislike that person). But anyway I think punishments like grounding, belt whooping, ect. Are kinda harsh sometimes. Now I understand if it like vaping or hurting a child so bad the bleed then punishments as such are definitely due but something like being rude, don't be soo harsh. Maybe a nice scolding and a spanking if your younger. But anyway... Just wanted to correct myself.

*edit* I was wrong, but it woulda been interesting

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