RTOE Chapter 3

62 4 13

Warning: Abuse, pain, burning, angst
~spelling error
*Word count: 1336

Red slowly opened her eyes from sleeping. She slowly sat up and right away noticed her mom standing in front of the door.
Red whispered.
"Hi Red! I have something for you. " Reds mom said quickly and put out her hand and revealed a pile of sticker-like things.
"These are At Marks. They give anyone the ability to come to the Outernet. Your friends are going to need them, but you must be careful with them because TDL and Victim really want them."
"The flip are you putting me in danger for?"
Red whispered to her mom, slightly angry. She stood up and walked over to her mom.
"I'm just trying to protect you. And your friends are going to have to help."
Reds mom explained. Red carefully picked up the At Marks.
"Also, honey, I need you to get back to your friends. Like ASAP! They're in danger."
Red looked up at her mom from examining the At Marks and nodded to her. And with that, her mom was gone.
Red cleared her throat and opened the door, putting the At Marks into her pocket. She walked out to the room and found TSC had fallen asleep with his head on the table.
"Oh my gosh."
Red murmured, giggling. She walked over to him and shook his shoulder gently.
"Wake up sleepy head."
She quietly said. TSC grumbled and lift his head. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at Red.
"I fell asleep?"
He yawned.
"Just a little bit."
Red joked.
"What time is it?"
TSC asked, standing up and stretching.
"I don't know..."
"Mk... So..."
A moment of silence pasted. Red knew what TSC wanted to ask.
"... Let's talk about it outside. It's nice out."
Red said, already opening the door. TSC looked at her, eyes shone in concern.
They both walked out to the ledge of the lake and sat down. Red looked out at the lake. It was beautiful, with the small ripples of water and the sun gleaming on it making it sparkle.
She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. TSC looked over at her.
"My mom died when I was born" Red began, "It was my fault, or at least that's what my dad said. He took care of me and raised me till I was old enough to do things on my own. At age 5 he forced me to do hard tasks and labor. He treated me like an animal. I was still so young at this time so one day I messed up. I broke a special photo of him and my mom on there wedding day. My dad found out and-"
Red choked as a sob rose in her throat. TSC wrapped his arm around her. When Red caught her breath she continued,
"He brought me down stairs, more like kicked me down stairs, and then hurt me. Beat me. Yelled at me."
Red rolled up her sleeves and held her arms out. TSC stared at her arms in terror. They were covered in large scars.
"It's worse on my stomach."
Red mumbled. She cleared her throat and continued,
"After he did that I tried running away, but failed. He beat me again and then locked me downstairs for a week, with barely any food or water so I got malnourished and dehydrated. I was barely conscious by the end of the week. When he let me out he right away made me work hard again. By age 6 I tried running away again, this time successfully. I tried hiding in a public school, but Burgundy, thats my dad's name, found me again and while I was trying to run away from him he killed my best friend. She sacrificed her life to save mine."
Red said the last part quietly.
"After wandering town after town for about a year and a half, I found a portal that led here. And I didn't think anyone would notice or care about my bruises and scars, but I told no one, and ended up fine, until now."
Red closed her eyes again and took a deep breath in and out. She opened her eyes again and looked at TSC.
"That's it. My story."
"I'm... I'm so sorry..."
TSC whispered in shock. Red looked away from him and they sat in silence for minute as her story sank in and then Red broke into a silent sob. TSC wrapped her in a hug and rocked her back and forth while she cried.

After about an hour of off and on crying, Red had recollected herself and stood up.
"We need to get back home."
She said. TSC stood up and nodded. He looked at her tear stained eyes.
"I'm serious... Don't look at me like that!"
Red playful pushed TSC away and they both laughed a little.
"Alright. Let's go."
TSC said.
They both walked back to the portal and managed to get back inside and travel through it to home.
As they traveled through the portal, Reds thoughts wandered back to what her mom had said. The others could be in danger at this minute!

As soon as the portal ended, Red and TSC quickly wove there way back to there home through the files.
As they got closer, Red noticed smoke wafting through the files. It was a fire.
"No. No! Gosh, no!"
Reds quick walking turned into a run, TSC followed from behind. Red burst through the last file and skidded to a stop. Their house was in flames.
"We're to late!"
She whispered. TSC stopped beside her.
"What the actual flip happened?!"
He yelled, "Green! Yellow! Blue!"
He ran toward the fire yelling the others names.
Suddenly, the file behind Red made a sound. Red spun around and Green bounced out of the file. He locked eyes with Red. His eyes reflected the fire of the burning building and his face showed he was angry.
TSC had turned back around and spotted Green. He ran over and stopped beside Red,
"Green! Oh my word! What happened?!"
"You tell me!"
Green snapped and then shook his head.
"Never mind. We're over here."
He turned around and gestured for them to follow him.
He led Red and Second into a file where Blue and Yellow were sitting. They both looked up at TSC and Red but didn't smile or speak, their faces remained sollom and worried.
"What happened?"
TSC asked again. Green pushed Red to the center of the room.
"Why don't you explain?!"
He growled, putting his hands on his hips. Red looked at him. She felt scared.
"You mean- did he--"
She stuttered. She looked over at TSC and met his eyes. He looked calm which made Red feel less stressed. She did another breath in and out and then looked back at Green.
"It was Burgundy, right?"
She asked.
"I don't know his name. Just some filthy rat who is connected to you somehow."
"He lit the house on fire?"
Red asked.
"He threatened us and said that if we didn't tell him where you were he would burn our home to ashes. Of course, since we're your friends, we didn't tell him, and anyway we didn't even know where you were. And now we've lost everything."
Yellow said, her voice scratchy from smoke inhalation. She burst into coughing when she finished speaking. Blue scooted over to her and rubbed her back.
Red looked over at SC, feeling slightly ashamed. She knew what had to happen. Her dad had gone to far with trying to hurt her friends, and she knew she had to stop him.
Red looked at the floor.
"I- I know what needs to be done..."
She said quietly. She raised her head again and made eye contact with TSC.
"What do you mean? Red?"
He asked, knowing something was up.
Red walked over to the exit of the the file.
"I love you guys so so much, but please, if I'm gone long, do not come looking for me."
She looked over the group one last time before leaving them, unsure if this would be the last time she ever saw them again.

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