Red and The Outernet Extravaganza 1

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Chapter 1

2109 words 😳
~spelling errors

Red looked up at her friends as Yellow closed the barrier she had just been thrown into. She looked passed the others to TSC, who nodded at her, his face dull and expressionless.
Red watched as her only friends walked away from her. She knew it was just a punishment, but it felt worse. It felt like it was just another person she thought she could trust was walking out of her life.
Red got up off the hard wood chair and paced around the cage. She felt scared. She was trapped in a room with nothing to do. TDL or Burgundy could somehow find her and she wouldn't be able to escape.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of wind behind her. She quickly turned around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was just the ghost, Gold.
"Hi Red!"
He said happily.
"Hi Gold! You scared me half to death! I thought you were someone else."
Red exclaimed. Gold laughed.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."
"You probably couldn't even scratch me!"
Red laughed. Gold chuckled a little and then sighed.
"But seriously Red, are you going to be ok?"
"... Probably... I don't know... "
"If you need anything, we ghosts are here for you."
Red smiled at Gold.
"Anyway, " Gold continued, "I have some news on your mom."
"Well... Um... She's has been away, on what she calls a mission, for awhile."
"What? Did something happen?"
"I don't know," Gold said, "And if I did know, I would leave it to your mom to tell you."
"Is she going to visit me?"
"Yeah. Tonight some time. Oh, one more thing, I have a visitor for you."
Another small gust of wind and Beeper appeared beside Gold.
"Oh my gosh! Beeper!"
Gold handed Red a flower and Beeper flew over to Red and bumped his head against her arm in a loving gesture.
"Hi buddy! You'll take care of him, right?"
Red asked Gold.
"Of course I will!"
Gold said. Red smiled. At least she still had some friends, even if they weren't alive, they cared more about her than the real life friends seemed to.
Gold looked passed red and his smile faded.
"Your friends are coming, I should leave."
"Oh, alright. Come again please."
"Course. Bye bye."
Another gust of wind and Gold was gone, along with Beeper. Red turned to her friends as they walked up.
Blue said, holding a plate of food. Yellow held the staff and made an opening in the barrier.
"This is for your supper."
Blue said, holding out the plate of food. Red stepped forward and took the food and placed it on her chair.
"I'm staying here over night?" Red asked quietly.
TSC said. He still seemed mad at Red for some reason.
Yellow used the staff and closed the barrier again. Red looked everyone over again, heart heavy, and turned to the food without saying anything. She waited till she heard her friends leave before grabbing the plate and throwing it at the barrier wall.
"I'm not hungry."
She whispered angrily. She walked over to the broken plate and picked a shard up.
"No one will care if I just cut myself a little bit."
She placed the shard against the back of her hand and dragged it across her skin. Blood oozed out and slowly dribbled down her hand.
When she was done with the shard, she wiped the blood off and dropped it on to the ground. She walked to the corner of the barrier and sat down, head on her knees. She watched as the world grew darker and the sun went down and slowly she drifted asleep.

Red blinked open her blurry eyes and found she was standing in the Outernet. A soft breeze and sweet sent drifted about and Orchid came to view.
"Hi Red!"
She said in a sing-song voice.
"Hi Orchid!"
"I saw what did, " Orchid said, walking over to Red and taking Red's hurt hand in hers, "You need to stop hurting yourself like this."
She pulled out some special bandages and wrapped Reds hand.
"I'm sorry... It felt good at the time."
"That how bad things are. They feel good at the moment but lead you down a bad path. You could have gotten it infected or who knows what."
"I'll try not to do it again..."
Red said, guilt in her voice. Orchid finished wrapping her wound and stepped back.
"Take care!"
The wind picked up and she faded. Reds eyes began to close again and she drifted back into sleep for about another hour.

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