Vic (1)

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A long span of time passes after the last story I wrote, like 4 or so months.
Not much changed, except Red is getting more and more forgetful but at the same time she always seems happy, though sometimes she randomly will snap aggressively or hit someone and has mood swings but then just laughs it off and apologizes right away.
These strange symptoms make the others worried but they don't have courage to ask her about it.

Takes place after "The Box" AvA episode.

Spelling errors 🙁
⚠️: Abuse mention

Victim is southern, has country accent, keep that in mind. 🤠

Also I'm going to try out another writing style and space sections out more, just so y'know.

Reds POV

Red groggily blinked open her eyes. Her head throbbed and her whole body ached.She carefully sat up, rubbing her head, and looked around.

She sat in an cold prison-like thing. The room was dark and the prison was small and empty. She got up and wrapped her fingers around the bars in front of her.

"Where am I?"
She questioned a loud, "Is anyone here? I'm not all alone am I..."
She paused and then suddenly remembered her friends. They were gone!

"YELLOW!?!" She yelled, the room echoed the words, "BLUE!!?" GREEN!!? HELLO?!"
The words bounced around in the room before fading, making Red feel even more alone.

She let go of the bars and sat on the floor and placed her head on the cold metal bars.

Suddenly, the "swoosh" of a door opening echoed in the room.
Red raised her head and listened as someone, or multiple people, walked closer. She backed up, nervous. Suddenly, a light grey figure jumped in front of the cage, making Red scream.

"Hey, shut up! I was just playing around!"
The figure yelled. Another one, exactly a like him, walked over laughing.

"What's the big deal in screaming anyway? We could hear you hollering from the down the hall."
The figure continued.

"Well I'm locked in a freaking cage!"
Red snapped, "and I'm alone and in a strange place and the lights are eerie and dark. I think I have a right to scream in terror."

The guys laughed.
"This place isn't scary, ok? Stop yelling or boss will be mad."
The other guy spoke up.

Red asked.

"Oh yeah, you should meet him! He's a cool guy!"
The figures looked at each other awkwardly. Red stared blankly at them.

"When can I meet him?"
She asked. The one grey figure looked at the other and then back at Red.

"When he decides he wants to talk to you."

"When will that be?"
Red asked again.

"I don't know! When he wants to come, he'll come."
The figure said. Red nodded.

"Why are you both the same color?"
She asked.

"Cause it's the uniform here."

"Oh cool. What is this place anyway?"
Red asked another question. The worker let out a sigh.

"You never shut up, do you?" He murmured under his breath, "It's none of your business. Boss'll tell you if he wants to."

Red rolled her eyes.
"Tell that boss of yours that I'm eager to meet him so I can get these flipping questions answered. Oh also, do you know whe-"

☆◆ALAN BECKER AVA/M ONESHOT 2◆☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang