Prank plan (chptr 1)

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*PS: After last chapter, Blue gives Red potions to heal her wounds and they heal really fast so she's all better now cuz this story takes place a few days later*

Spelling errors 🍃

"I'm going to go out guys! I'll be back in an hour!"
TSC called from downstairs.
Red yelled from her room.
TSC left.


Everyone else was now sitting in the living room, bored. The TV was on and Blue was watching it but he kept getting distracted by a bug. Green was on his phone. Yellow was on her laptop, and Red was laying on the couch also being distracted by the bug on the wall.
Green looked up from his phone and looked around the room at the others.
"Hey y'all. Wanna do something fun?"
He asked, fixing his posture. Yellow looked over at him.
"Like what?"
She asked.
"Y'all remember TCO and TDL?"
Green asked.
"How could we forget them?"
Blue said, rolling his eyes.
"Remember their names? Like, how their abbreviated?"
Green continued. Everyone nodded.
"Wouldn't it be fun to make our own abbreviated names?!"
Green said. Red sat up, now interested.
"And," She added, "What if we all could have powers? Like, from Blues potions."
"And we could have special weapons, like TDL had virabots and virabands!"
Yellow said, the evil-mastermind glow in her eyes returned. Green nodded excitedly.
"We can prank TSC by actually call ourselves by the names we make up when he gets home."
Blue said. Yellow hopped up.
"Green, invite Purple over, she could join us. I'ma go create some cool weapons for us."
She said. Blue stood up too.
"And I'ma go make potions-"
Green interrupted, "We still need names!"
Yellow and Blue sat back down and thought. Red tapped her knee with her fingers as she thought.
"I could be called The Corrupted Crimson, TCC."
She thought aloud.
Green nodded, smiling.
"I'll be called The Neon Glow, TNG."
Green said dramatically.
"I'll be The Evil Genius, TEG. Call me Evil Genius for short"
Yellow said and winked. Blue laughed.
"I guess I'll be The Midnight Witch, TMW."
Blue shrugged. Green laughed.
"Ok great names. Y'all can go do stuff now. TSC will be back in about 40 minutes, keep that in mind."
He pulled out his phone and dialed up Purple and then walked out of the room.

Reds POV
Red thought about what she could do in the meantime to add to herself.
Suddenly, she remembered the robot she was going to make with TDL.
She hopped off the couch and ran to her room and called TDL.
She said when he picked up.
"Red! What's up? How you doing?"
TDL asked.
"Call me TCC. I'm fine. Do you still have those robot parts?"
"Uh ok, TCC. Yeah, still got the parts. You wanna make them today?"
"Mhm. You're going to have to be sneaky and quick. Just give me the instructions and stuff."
Red said.
"Ok... What do want to make?"
TDL asked.
"Something powerful. Or looks threateningly powerful."
Red suggested.
"Ok. I'll be over ASAP."
"Great," Red smiled, "I'm entering my villain arc."
Red added sarcastically.
"Ok sure. See ya' in a lil'."
TDL hung up.
Red put her phone down and walked back downstairs. Blue was handing out the potions. He turned to Red.
"Hey TCC! Perfect timing! You get fire potion."
He add the potion to Red, giving Red the ability to have fire powers.
"I made it to last till midnight."
He added.
Red said. She tested the power and it worked. She looked up at Green who stood nearby.
"What power you get?"
She asked him.
He smiled evilly and put out his hand and made electric sparks fly out.
"I'm going to go give Yellow her potion and check up on her."
Blue said and walked out of the room.
"Is Purple coming over?"
Red asked Green.
Green said, "I should go wait for her outside."
"I'll come with!"
Red said. Green shrugged and they walked outside. It was a warm sunny day.
Red wandered around in the yard with her dog and continued to play around with her fire power.
After a few minutes, Purple flew out of the sky and landed swiftly on the ground in between Green and Red. Green ran to her and hugged her.
"Hihi!" Purple laughed, hugging him back, "why'd you invite me over?"
Green stepped back.
"We're playing a prank on TSC..."
He continued to tell Purple about the prank.
Red was petting her dog and listening in to their conversation when she heard the bushes rustle at the side of the house. She looked over and saw TDL stick his hand in the air and motion for her. Red looked back at Green and Purple as they walked towards the house and then quietly slipped over to TDL.
He whispered, "brought you the stuff, plus a little something extra."
He smiled and pulled out two bags of stuff and gave them to Red.
"You seemed rushed so I add the instructions to the stuff. Should I stay?"
Red took the stuff and shook her head.
"Sorry... But thanks for bringing the stuff."
She waved and ran off. TDL flew off in the opposite direction.

Red ran up to her room and dumped the stuff the floor. She picked up the instructions TDL had written for her and started putting the pieces together.

When she finished, she stepped back and admired the creation TDL had chosen for her.
"What is this?"
She said a loud. Green burst open the door, Purple stood behind him.
"What's wha- TCC, what they heck is that?!"
They all stared down at thing on the floor.
"A watch?"
Red scoffed.
Purple hesitated, "Is it dangerous?"
"How'd you make that?"
Purple and Green piled on the on questions. Red shook her head.
"I just put some stuff together and made it, ok? Lemme turn it on."
She bent down and switched it on and placed it on her wrist. It wurred to life and the screen lit up. Red pressed a few buttons on the screen and the pressed a "project" button. A holographic screen appeared in the air.
"Woah! This is unreal!"
Green said in awe. Red pressed the button on her watch again and the screen disappeared.
"This is totally cool TCC! Let's go show the others!"
Green grabbed Red's arm and pulled her downstairs to Yellow and Blue.
"Hey TMW and TEG, look what TCC made!"
Green said. Red showed them the watch.
"I didn't know you could create stuff like this!"
Yellow said impressed, "maybe you won't need the thing I made for you."
She pulled out two daggers that were black with red glowing rims.
"Ooo! I wouldn't mind using them."
Red said. Yellow smiled and handed them to Red. Red took them and smiled back at Yellow and then turned to Purple.
"What's your name by the way?"
"Call me Queen Of Orchids, QOO."
Purple said. Yellow stepped forward and handed her a metallic flower crown that glowed neon purple and could turn into a sword.
"Perfect. Thanks."
Purple said, taking it from Yellow.
Blue, Green, and Yellow then pulled out their weapons and tested their powers.
Green ran over to the window and carefully looked out.
"TSC is back! This going to be fun! Y'all, say your names again, quick."
Green whispered.
"TCC, Corrupted Crimson."- Red
"TMW, The Midnight Witch."
- Blue
"TEG, The Evil Genius."- Yellow
"QOO, Queen of Orchids."- Purple
"And I'm TNG, The Neon Glow. Ready!?"
Green punched the air with his fist.
They all said.

Part 1

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