RTOE Chapter 5 (the end for now)

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Word Count: 954
~spelling errors

As the blood slowly dripped out of the wound to the ground, a black liquid also poured out of the hole until it overpowered the blood. The black liquid spilled from the bullet hole fast and soon a puddle of it had formed around Red.
It suddenly slowed to just a small trickle and a small white light radiated from the wound. The light somehow began to heal Red and the blood separated from the black liquid and reversed back into the wound and into Red's body again. The bullet hole slowly closed up and within seconds it was as if it was never there, except that it left a scar. Once the wound closed, the black liquid on the ground dissolved and vanished.
A few seconds passed and Red began to breathe again. She blinked open her eyes and slowly sat up, rubbing her head.
"Gosh," She murmured, "I didn't know dying could make your head hurt so bad."
Her dad yelled dramatically, "What just happened?!"
"I'm not even sure but um..."
Red stood up and rolled up her sleeves. The scars on her arms were gone. Her dad just stared at her. Red looked back up at him.
"How'd it feel watching me die?"
She asked. He didn't respond but instead looked at the floor.
"You realize you were the reason I died just now?"
"Y-yes but you're alive again..."
"But what if I wasn't? What would you tell mom? How do you think she would feel?"
He looked up and stared at her.
"I guess... I would... be ashamed... and..."
He stuttered. Red softly smiled at him.
"Do you think you would regret the way you treated me?"
She asked.
He nodded slightly.
"Listen, I know you could never forgive me," He said abruptly, "so I might as well just leave. You and your mother don't deserve to have me around."
"No, dad, listen. I do forgive you. Somehow, someway, I know I forgive you. Even if the memories I have of you still make me angry, I forgive you. I'd rather live in a happy family than without you and with mom being depressed."
Her dad stared at her again, tearing up.
He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Red walked up to him and shook his hand.
"Welcome back dad."
She whispered.
After a few minutes, the room and her dad faded and Red came back to the real world.
The fire in the house had died down and she heard someone yelling outside.
Quickly, she left the burned room she was in and ran outside. The others had come looking for her.
Red yelled at them, waving. They all looked over at her and then ran to her and tackled her in a hug.
"Where were you?!"
Yellow asked as they all stepped back.
"We were so worried! You made it sound like you were going to die!"
TSC exclaimed.
"Well I mean, I walked in fire. It was fun. Oh and yeah I definitely died, but that don't matter."
"You did what?!"
Blue gasped. Red laughed.
"It's fine guys, everythings ok now. Let's see if Alan can fix our house."
Red said.
Yellow nodded and grabbed Blue's arm, dragging him with her to the Adobe animate tab. Green stayed behind. He looked down at the ground.
"Red, I'm sorry about how I treated you earlier. I mean, I was totally unfair because, I mean, you had died a little before and it was not your fault..."
"It's ok Green I forgive you, but what do you mean I died? I thought I only died once today?"
"You... did.... You died twice?!"
"Explain yourself!"
TSC demanded.
"Ok finnee."
Red chirped. She pulled out the gun that she still had.
"What do you do with a gun? Why would there be bloo... oh thats... That's not blood."
Red threw the gun at the ground. The black liquid had somehow gotten on it.
"Ok y'know what, nevermind. I totally only died once and all that, k? Now come on. Yellow and Blue are waiting."
Red grabbed TSC and Green's arms and dragged them up to Yellow and Blue.

The rest of the day, as they repaired the house, was brighter and happier. Red wished it could always be this way. Just her and her friends having the time of there lives. But she knew it could never stay this way.
Only one bad ghost was no longer bad, but there were still two bad ones out somewhere. But she didn't want to think about that now. Too much had already happened and she needed a break. She would worry about the At Marks, TDL, and Victim some other time. As of now, all she wanted was to be with her friends, and that's all she planned on doing.

(But hold on there's more)

That night after falling asleep....

Red opened her eyes and her mother stood in front of her. She greeted her immediately in a tight hug.
"I'm so proud of you!"
Red's mom said cheerfully.
"Your not mad that I didn't consult with you before... Killing myself?"
"Well you shouldn't play with death like that because you won't always have that ability, cause that was a one time thing, but it worked and you made your dad the person who I new and loved before."
Red's mom said. Red smiled at her.
"And where's dad now?"
"He needed some alone time to deal with his shame. I'm going to talk to him later but I just wanted to say thanks to you."
"No problem mom."
Red started to fade, "Love you!"
"I love you too honey! Night!!"


The end 😌

After a couple more random chapters, part 2 and 3 of this saga continues. Jus saying. Check out chapter Sneaking Out for the continuation of this saga 😊

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