Not so Average Game

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Warnings: Weird Relationships, mentions a made up gang and I mean no offense to anyone I'm just a simple author with nothing to do

Word Count: 923
    ~Spelling errors

Everyone sat chilling in the living room. They were all bored because the weather outside was rainy and cold so they couldn't do much of anything.
"Is there any game we could play???"
Green begged.
"Yeah. I'm BOREDDD!"
Red groaned. Everyone thought for a second.
"Oh I have any idea," Yellow said, "It's like family but permanent. We make up who our family is, and in some way we all should or could be related. So for example, I would be married to, random person, Blue and then together we have Green who then gets married to Red or something. And this can go anyway. Gay-ness is ok in it and in general any weird goofy ah relationships. Just nothing actually s**ual, ok? "
The others stayed silent for a moment.
"Ayo and of course you say your married to Blue."
Green broke the silence. Yellow rolled her eyes
"I guess we can try."
Red said, shrugging.
They let the oldest, which was Yellow, get married first. Yellow was forced to marry the person she hung out with most, which was Blue.
"Ok. Now Blue, do you want to adopt or have a child?"
"The flip Yellow?!"
Blue made a disgusted face.
Green yelled.
"Just choose one."
Yellow groaned.
"Ok. Who?"
Red shot off the couch and happily bounced over to them.
"I want to marry TSC."
"Offff course you do."
Green rolled his eyes.
"Not yet honey, your not old enough."
Yellow said, patting Red's shoulder. Blue covered his mouth to hold back laughter.
"Oh come on."
Red sighed.
"But you can marry me."
Yellow said, putting a hand over her heart.
"What the flip?!"
Red said, backing away.
"MARRY ME! Or ElsE YouR GrOunDed!"
"Ohh nooo! Anything but that!"
Red said sarcastically.
"You would cheat on me with our own daughter!?"
Blue cut in.
"What?! No Blue it's just a jo-"
"That's it! I'm leaving you!"
Yellow fell to her knees and pretended to cry while Blue walked over to the couch and sat down next to Green.
"What's up homie?"
Green asked, turning to Blue.
"Just left my wife after being married to her for a few minutes."
"Toxic relationship for real."
Green said, grabbing a cup of water and pretending he was at a bar drinking beer.
"She wasn't toxic she just wanted to marry her daughter."
Green put the cup down and looked at Blue disgusted.
"Alright now that's weird. Never been in a relationship like that."
"Have you ever even been in a relationship?"
"I run a gang. Yes I've been in a relationship."
"A gang?!"
Blue gasped.
"We call ourselves the Quackers!"
Green said proudly. Blue starred at Green and then turned and looked at Yellow and Red who were cracking up in laughter.
"Hold on. Is this a loud?"
Blue asked.
Yellow said still laughing, "Just don't go over bored."
Blue turned back to Green and continued the game.
"Alright buster. You do you."
Blue stood up, "I'm going to go now. Buh-bye."
Blue left and walked over to TSC.
"Howdy partner."
TSC said in a southern accent, "How's it fairing for ya'?"
Red was in the background dying in a fit of laughter.
"Nice accent."
Blue complimented.
"Thanks partner. I run one of the world's biggest farms down in southern Texas. You probably heard of it, it's called the Billybobjoans Plantains."
"You... You mean plantains like those banana-like foods?"
"What?! No! That's my farm!! 😤"
"Ok sir. I'm sorry for offending you."
"Don't do it again or I'ma get mine chickens on ya'!"
"You heard the man!"
Red said, stepping into the conversation, "Don't be so rude, ex-dad!"
"Red?!" Blue said pretending to be shocked, "Where's Yellow?"
"I'm right here!"
Yellow walked up, holding Greens hand, "Meet my new husband, Green."
Blue gasped, "You married a Gang member?!"
"He's so handsome."
Yellow said. Everyone tried not to laugh.
"No he's not!"
Blue pretended to be jealous.
"Watch what you say to me or I'll really get the gang on you!"
Green lashed out. TSC stood up.
"You city folks! You could never over power my chickens!"
"Oh yeah?!"
Green stepped closer to TSC.
TSC stepped closer to Green.
"Try me! I really have it on me!"
Green said, threatening TSC with fists.
"Oh! It's back-door season!"
Yellow instigated.
"Ok ok, boys, calm down."
Red said, pushing TSC and Green away from each other, "Let's keep the violence for the streets, ok?"
TSC looked at Red and back at Green.
"So long this rascal keeps to himself I won't hurt no one."
Red said stepping back. She looked over at Yellow, "I'm hungry, can we get something to eat?"
"Oh sure," Yellow said, "And let's bring along our new friends, shall we?"
"Does that include me?!"
Blue asked. Yellow rolled her eyes.
"Your lucky I still have love for you."
She said, walking towards the kitchen.
Green stood in place for a second comprehending what Yellow said.
He suddenly shrieked. Yellow ran away laughing and yelled,
Green said, dramatically putting the back of his hand on his forehead.


I'm totally continuing this with Purple some time. This was so much fun to make and I was basing it completely off me and my friends "family line" (which I might describe in another chapter later).
Next Green and TSC need a lover and we need the family pet.

☆◆ALAN BECKER AVA/M ONESHOT 2◆☆Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora