Part Thirty-one

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"Oh," I pushed Heinry away slightly and looked down. "I'm sorry," I said as I scooted back so I was sitting up and he too moved so he was crouching in front of me.

"Don't be." He said, which caused me to look at him, a slight smile falling on my lips.

"What is it?" He smiled as well after seeing mine.

"I think I got my lipstick on you," I laughed as I looked at the smudged crimson around his mouth. I could only imagine what I looked like.

"Oh," He put his hand to his mouth in embarrassment, "Could you wipe it for me?"

"Why, of course, your highness." I was still grinning at the sight.

"You're smiling," He chuckled, "Am I that pretty?" He held his hands to his face and blinked.

"Well, red is your color." I said as I focused on wiping the lipstick off.

"You flatter me." He said.

"You flatter yourself." I remarked.

"I missed this, you know..." He sighed slightly as I finished cleaning his mouth. "Missed what?"

"Our banter." He smiled and rested his chin on my lap. "Funny how we still joke around even after all of these years apart." It was then that I remembered my situation. We shouldn't be sitting here talking like this. So, I forced away my smile and looked away.

"I would hardly call this banter, I am just greeting an old friend."

Heinry saw my shift in character which made him sigh even more.

"Is that so?" He said, staring up at me and making it hard for me to avert my gaze any longer.

"Yes, your highness." 

"So, am I to assume you talk to everyone this way?" He tilted his head which made me want to punch him. Why was he looking cute right now? It hurt.

"Yes, of course." I replied calmly.

"So, you also kiss all of your old friends the second you see them?" My eyes grew wide at his words and I finally looked at him.

"What if I do?" I replied, my gaze cold and my mannerisms stiff. I rested my hands behind me so I could lean back and look at the teacup on the floor. The hot liquid pooled under it and seeped into the carpet. I sighed deeply.

"You spilled my tea." I said, not much care in my tone.

"Don't act upset," Heinry said, now standing up and looking down at me.

"You never liked tea."


"Cancel it!" Soveishu screamed as he stormed through the halls, startling every servant in his waking path. "CANCEL IT ALL!" He waved his hands roughly through the air as he trudged with great aggression before slamming the door to his study. All of the maids and butlers rushed to cancel invitations and tear down the decorations for Edith's birthday celebration.

Emperor Heinry ruined everything for him. Soveishu only agreed to that stupid deal because he would still get something out of it in the end. If only he betrayed the late Emperor's wishes, then none of this would've happened--Wishful thinking on his part.

So, his feelings of resentment and regret only fueled his reluctance to let Edith go. But, here he stood at the front of his manor, about to see off the new emperor and his possession---the possession that should be Soveishu's. 

He stared at Edith who just looked down. Any other person would think she was fear-filled and sorrowful, but Soveishu could see that glint in her eyes. She was ecstatic. But, why wouldn't she let it show? It angered him to see her ruined makeup. The powder was rubbed off of her face, her lipstick was gone and left only a stain, her eye make up was slightly smudged, and her neat hair was now frizzy and cascading over her shoulders.

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now