Part six

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If I were to describe the boy in one word it would be meek, but of course, there is also shy, frail, small, defenseless, oh and did I mention, the male villain of the novel?

He had long, matted black hair and deep brown eyes, so deep you'd think they were pitch black if it weren't for the color of his hair. In the novel it was described as so dark, no light reflected upon it, which, I would have to oblige with.

His skin was tan and dirty from living on the streets under the scorching sun. He wore clothes made of burlap that were tattered and barely held together. His ribs were visible even through the thick, rough fabric and his thin arms were ridden with dark bruises with varying purple hues.

If I were truly a villain, I would've walked away, left him to die, or killed him myself. This man does end up manipulating Edith to attempt to murder Evalie, but that's just it: That is when he becomes a man, but he is no man, he is a mere boy.

So, I reached my hand out and helped him up. "You poor child," I said, forgetting we're the same age. "Tell me, how often does this kind of occurrence happen to you?"

"Well, that hardly matters." He said, averting his gaze. You'd never assume he could do anything wrong given how shy he is, but then again, I've been wrong in thinking that about people before.

"Of course it matters."

"My lady, I'm just grateful to still have my arm, you certainly don't need to pay me any more attention--"

"Do you truly wish for me to leave?"

"N-no, but, why would an esteemed lady as yourself pay attention to me? I do not matter--"

"Nonsense. Everyone matters. So, tell me, do you have any form of residence?"

He just shook his head in response. I whipped my head around to face Hilda. "Hilda, shall we take him in and--"

"My Lady..!" She groaned and dramatically flailed her arms out. "Right." I sighed. "Duke Thornwood would sooner have your head than share residence with a commoner." Hilda shook her head and spoke in an exasperated tone.

"You'd be surprised at how easily my father would have my head." I muttered and rolled my eyes as I turned back to the boy with a smile.

"Now, tell me, where have you come from?" I asked.

"I've been on the streets for as long as I can remember..."

I couldn't help but gaze at him pitifully.

"Is there an orphanage near by?"

"Yes, but, I haven't any wages to admit myself." He looked down in embarrassment.

Right, in this cruel world, you must pay a hefty price to be accepted into an orphanage, which I believe was just a ploy the author used to give the main character, Evalie, a more traumatic backstory. Truly cruel indeed.

"Don't fret," I said. "I will take you to it."

"But I haven't any money--"

"Shush," I cut him off. "I never intended to make you pay."

The boy followed me with his head down until we made it to the establishment. Hilda naturally disagreed with my actions since she considered it 'rash' behavior, but I genuinely couldn't care less. I can't stand to see people treated terribly for no reason.

"Here," I said, handing the boy the funds for him to admit himself. "I hope you live a good life."

I turned to walk away from the front gate but I felt him grab my arm and spin me around to face him. Our eyes locked and I could see the gratitude filling his irises.

"I never got your name." He stated, while still gently clutching my wrist.

"O-oh, It's Edith," I said, "My apologies, it appears I never asked you for yours either." How foolish of me. Of course I already knew his name from reading the novel, but it was rather inconsiderate of me to not even think to ask.

"It's Mikhail. My name is Mikhail." He replied with a warm smile. "And it's fine, how could I be upset at you for not asking when you have quite literally saved my life?"

"You're so well-spoken." I replied with a smile.

"Not at all, I could never confront an adult how you did. I really admire you, Edith."

"Do you? I assure plenty of others would do the same--"

"But they didn't. No one else has had the decency to do so."

"Well, they are wrong for that. How could they not help such a cute boy?"

I spoke without thinking. I feel four years older than him, but in reality we are the same age. How strange would he find it that I am speaking to him as if I am his senior. However, to my surprise, he just blushed in response.

"My lady," He spoke up. "I would like to meet you again." he said and I sighed in response.

"Well, that might prove difficult. I am only allowed these outings on occasion, you see."

"Well, then I.....I could come to you."

I slightly laughed at his cute persistence.

"How so?"

"Seeing the way you protected me today...I want to be like that for someone too,"

Where is this going, I wonder?

"But not just anyone, I would love to serve you."

"Then why don't you just become my knight?" I jokingly responded. That's not at all how the story unfolds in the book, so my suggestion obviously carries no effect. He is destined to be an aristocrat, adopted into a wealthy family. By the time he reaches adulthood, he will have manipulated the public into practically worshiping his false image, eventually manipulating Edith and becoming the Emperor's right hand man. Of course, his crimes are inevitably discovered and he is slain by the very man he serves....the Emperor...just as I will be.

"Would you really allow it?" He asked in a surprisingly eager tone, breaking me from my unpleasant thoughts.

"Well, of course, but I doubt it would--"

"Duchess Edith, as you stand before me now, are you giving me permission to pursue a career as your knight?

I was taken aback by his words. I knew he wouldn't be a knight, yet his eager tone was so convincing, I couldn't help but indulge him.

"Yes, of course I would welcome it."

"Then, I promise that I will!" He was beaming with excitement.

I smiled in response. "Sure, you will." There was a hidden sense of doubt in my voice as I spoke, but he only gazed at me with more determination. "Duchess," He said. "I don't take promises lightly and I never go back on my word."

I nodded my head in admiration, but I knew I still didn't believe him. "A fine mindset to have." I replied and he gazed at me as if he could sense my doubt. Maybe I'm not that great of an actor after all.

 "Then," I returned his gaze and held onto his hands. "I will look forward to meeting you again, my knight."

A large, joyful smile stretched across his face and he almost pulled me into a hug. "Oh.." he said before backing away. "My apologize, duchess, I don't want to get dirt on--"

"Oh, it's quite alright." I said, not giving him a chance to react as I pulled him into a caring embrace. "And just call me Edith, your formality makes me feel so distant."

"Now you know how I feel." I could almost heard Hilda's thoughts through her skull.

He smiled warmly as we both pulled away from the hug.

"Then, I assure you, I will meet you again," He said as he walked through the orphanage's open gates.


Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now