Part Twenty-five

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I don't know if it was from the stress of the wedding night or the tiring journey getting to this kingdom, but I fell ill. I don't think I've gotten sick since I came to this world until now. If anything that makes it so much worse.

I lay gasping for breath in bed as my head pounded and my skin was flushed bright red. Soveishu hadn't come to visit me, but he had dropped off documents for me to review. It was my duty as his wife to do such tasks, but he could've at least postponed it until after I was better.

Maids had been filtering in and out of the room, each dropping off water or a towel for me and then leaving shortly after. It felt nice to be alone for the most part, but I couldn't help but miss--


I tried to open my eyes and look towards the opening door, but I seemed to have lost all of my strength. I heard the sound of soft footsteps approaching me and then something pressed down on the edge of the bed. I felt a hand brush against the side of my face, I groaned at the sudden cold touch.

Then I heard the sound of dripping water. Whoever was in front of me was wringing out the wet towel next to me into its basin. They slowly pressed the fabric onto my forehead and dabbed it around the base of my hairline. "Th...thank.." I tried to speak but my head throbbed at the very thought and my throat felt swollen and nauseous.

"Edith," I heard the familiar voice sigh as he brushed my hair from my face with his free hand. "To tell the truth I assumed you were only pretending." I tried to open my heavy lids, but they barely lifted, leaving me with only the blurry image of Soveishu. "I had come in here to go back on my promise." He chuckled to himself and I still managed to grimace in my drunken state.

He started laughing, probably after seeing my expression. "Well, I guess that would be foolish of me, wouldn't it?" He kept brushing his fingers through my hair but I didn't bother reacting anymore. I just tried to speak without moving my aching features at all. "W...why?" I started.

"Hmm?" He leaned close so he could hear my faint voice.

"Wh...why" I needed to know why he so easily accepted my proposal--why he so easily agreed to wait for me. I could see his growing smile despite my eyes being closed.

"Well," He brushed his knuckle down the bridge of my nose, "What good are two oxen if they're unequally yoked?" He tapped the tip of my nose and then moved his hand away from my face, I could hear him rest it in his lap.

I would've gasped, but I didn't have the strength. He used a common phrase from my kingdom that was derived from the Hebrew language. It simply meant to portray differing ideas. If oxen are unequally yolked, one is working much harder than the other while the other drags behind and pulls them both down. One of them wanted to keep walking while the other didn't. So, he knew he was the only one who was striving for an intimate encounter while I had no desire to do so at all, and he decided there was no point if both of us didn't comply.

I nodded my head in my dazed state, trying to show him I was grateful for him using my country's terminology. He just laughed and ruffled the hair on the top of my head before standing up to walk away. "Get some sleep," He said, "I probably won't be back later."

I almost let out a sigh of relief as he walked off. His words sounded comforting and he sounded like he cared, but I can't ignore the fact that he's a grown man who requested to marry a teenage girl. I also know he may be acting this way just to please me so he can get what he wants sooner. I also know from observing him that he likes the unexpected. He gets caught off guard quite easily and he greatly enjoys it. He lives for anticipation, so waiting for me might make him believe I'm just acting coy to entice him. I've seen how delusional he can be firsthand and I won't take any chances by trusting him.

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