Part Twenty-One

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Rhyse felt odd that day--everything was odd. Evalie acted unlike herself for just a moment, but she was understandably upset, so Rhyse couldn't bring herself to be suspicious of her. She knew it was her fault after all that she had acted that way. She never should've asked so rudely, but now she knew that she had disappointed Mikhail.

He brushed right past her when she arrived in the lunchroom. He looked angry--completely tunnel-visioned. He hadn't even seen her wave to him. Did he somehow know how she and Evalie's conversation went?

But, upon sitting down, she figured why he had acted that way. She inferred it was because of the rumors about Edith. Did he care that much about who that girl married?

'Oh,' She thought, gasping to herself when she realized, 'I'm jealous, aren't I?'


The last person I expected to show up at my residence was Mikahil, but there he was. He stood in the main entrance looking up at the stairs where my father stood, his expression completely serious. I had been sent back to my room when I saw him arrive. My father gave me a deadly glare when I simply thought about refusing him.

I was to be getting ready for my departure the next morning, so I 'had no time to worry about such trivial matters.' But, my dear friend had arrived at my doorstep and I wasn't even allowed to greet him. I was worried to say the least--I was worried for his safety.

"Tell me, boy," My father stared into Mikhail's deep optics with his cat-like glare, "What brings you here?"

A gracious smile befell Mikhail's lips as he lowered himself into a polite bow. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my Lord." He held his hand to his chest as he rose from his position.

"Yes, yes, do get on with it." The impatience was evident in my father's voice.

"I've come here with one simple request," Mikhail took a deep breath as he prepared his speech, "I would like to become your daughter's knight."

My father sneered at him, his gaze growing colder. "What now?"

"I wish to accompany her on her journey and offer my protection."

"What nonsense are you spouting, boy?"

"My Lord, please do not take my words lightly. I assure you, I have undying loyalty for Lady Edith, and I will do anything to serve her."

My father scoffed at his words even though he was sincere. "So much that you would die?" He asked with a snicker, expecting hesitation, but there was none.

"Yes." Mikhail answered instantly, "I would gladly give up my life for her."

My father stared at him for a brief moment. He could tell he meant it, but why should this boy be near his daughter--This boy that didn't seem so easily controlled?

"Well, words are just words." He waved his hand, brushing off Mikhail's earnest words.

"Yet, I mean every single one of them. I will slit my own wrists right now if that means you will accept me."

"Surely, you needn't do that. I don't want your filthy blood touching my floor." His eyes slanted wickedly as he glared at Mikhail. He was mocking him for his social class.

"I assure you, nor my status or age will taint my abilities--"

"Silence, I've heard quite enough. You're an ignorant boy with foolish ideas that believes he can just waltz into my residence and be granted everything he demands. I assure you, things in this world do not come so easily."

"Quite so, my Lord. In fact, I couldn't agree with you more. I have seen first hand how this world works and I assure you that I have enough experience with it to adequately protect the dear lady Edith."

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now