Part four

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For the next week, I couldn't speak at all. Only on the seventh day could I barely manage to utter at least one word. My maids carried out their duties, shooting me pitiful glances, but never disobeying my father and sneaking me food.

I wasn't angry about it though. I completely understood, I had seen my father's murderous personality for myself. If I worked under him, I wouldn't dare do anything to make him weary of me.

My stomach grumbled constantly throughout each day. All I wanted to do was lie down because with my hunger came pain--severe stomach aches that brought tears to my eyes. I would ask for more broth or water to at least fill me up in some way, but even that was limited and I could only have it once a day.

So, when all of my maids left me to my room at night, I just lay there and stared up at my beautifully decorated ceiling, wondering why I was sent to this world. 'Have I always been just destined to suffer? Is this some sort of divine punishment? But, I can't think of anyone I have wronged--" TAP!

My thoughts were cut short by a noise.


It was at my window. I shakily stood up from my bed and approached it. TAP! It was then that I saw a pebble hit the glass. I took a deep breath and opened it.

I looked down upon the garden and saw...Prince Heinry? His arm was reeled back, ready to throw another rock, but he instantly whipped his hand behind his back upon seeing me.

I wanted to ask him why he was outside but it was too painful to speak, so I just glared at him as he slowly and awkwardly came out from the bushes. To my surprise, he was able to climb up my balcony with ease even though he was a rather small child.

I furrowed my brow at him to display my confusion rather than exposing my strained voice and asking him why he came to see me.

"I can tell what you're thinking, duchess." He said as he stood in front of me. "I won't take much of your time so please hear me out." He said as he swayed in place. I fought back a giggle, this cute kid looked so nervous.

"I'm sorry for how I acted last week," I raised my eyebrow at his words and crossed my arms. "I know it's very much like me to make an excuse but...I-I won't do that today. It was wrong of me. A gentleman should never act how I did." He stared at the marble floor of the balcony, not daring to look up.

"I know I didn't have to come here to say this but, my lady is always jumping at the chance to schedule our next meeting and this week didn't." It was only then that he lifted his head to meet my gaze. "I was worried you were terribly upset with me."

I wanted to ease his anxiousness but I didn't want to burden him with my problems. If I speak, he'll know I was choked, that is too much for him to bear. He is just a child after all and this encounter makes it very clear that he wishes to be cordial with me at least.

So, I just shook my head in a weak attempt to make him feel better, but to no avail. "Please say something, duchess." Heinry looked at me as if he were about to cry, something his character never did in the novel so I heavily doubted my eyes. I gulped and looked down. It was then that the moonlight hit me and he could see the marks that covered my neck as well as the healing bruise on my cheek.

"Edith..." His eyes went wide with horror and I quickly raised my hands to cover up my abrasions but he snatched them in his own before I had the chance. My heart began to beat rapidly, I hadn't a clue as to what to do. "Edith, who did this?" He asked, his voice ridden with concern. 

I just looked down, not knowing how to answer, but suddenly I felt hot tears streaming down my face. I....I was crying. No! I shouldn't cry, I'll just worry him even more. 

But then, to my surprise, he pulled me in for a hug. I had to lower my head to bury it in his neck as he held his hand gently on my hair. It was then that I realized I should say at least something, he has already seen my wounds, it would be unwise to allow him to come up with his own conclusion on what happened.

"I'm...sorry," My hoarse voice crawled out of my weeping mouth.

"Why would you ever be sorry?"

"My...father...he'll...hurt...if I don't.." I swallowed, trying to urge my voice to speak again. "If I don't....marry you."

Heinry held me tighter in his embrace and stroked my head to calm me down. "I understand." He said. 'Does he?' I thought. Even to me that barely made sense and I am the one who said it. 

"I'm sorry I've pushed you away for so long," His words were laced with regret. "If I had known, I would've.." You could tell he felt terrible, thus I squeezed his arm to get him to stop thinking about it. 

"Don't..." I tried to talk again, my raspy voice was barely audible. "Don't tell anyone." I said, knowing it was completely acceptable for my father to beat me like this, other people finding out could potentially make it worse.

"Okay," I could only imagine how dark his expression looked after speaking those words, his tone was coated with reluctance.

"I won't."

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now