Part Twenty

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AHHHHH twenty parts, this is teaaaa! This story is my tea type ish! I'm fr having fun over here writing this so I'm not abt to stop dw. And disclaimer, some drama is coming up so prepare urself my good sis. 


"Pardon?" I stared at my father, not even trying to be composed.

"You heard me correctly, Edith," He stood up, his yellow irises glaring into mine as he moved, never taking his eyes off of me. "A duke from a foreign kingdom has sent a request for your hand in marriage."

I couldn't think straight. I never thought he would just sell me off if he found me useful.

"You said I am to be married next week?" I needed to clarify.

"Yes, is there a problem?" His tone wasn't caring but, rather, annoyed that I even asked.

"But, I am a mere child---"

"You are no child," He shot me down, slamming his hands on his desk. But, then his frown morphed into a wicked smile. "You are very much an adult in their country."

He approached me and then ran his fingers through a strand of my hair.

"Very much legal."

I shuttered at his words and tried to swallow any fear in my mouth--any quiver that might lace my voice as I spoke.

"Have you already agreed to it?" I stared forward, not upward at his eyes. I was afraid to meet his gaze, afraid of what appearance his countenance might have.

"Well, I wouldn't have informed you if I hadn't."

"And I am to live there?"

"Where else would you reside?"

I gulped, knowing there was no way out of this, so I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to accept my fate. If I don't comply, I'm not loyal, and if I'm not loyal, he will kill me, so I must endure.

"When do I depart?"

"Two days from now," I flinched at the sound of his words and he seemed to have taken notice. "Lest you disagree. Then I can see to it that you never step foot on their land, or anywhere else for that matter."

Ah, a threat, how lovely.

"No, father, I wholeheartedly comply," I looked up at him now, my confident facade weakening. "It is what you want from me so I shall do it."

He smiled at my words and then placed his hand on my head. 

"Good girl."


Rhyse went about her day as normally as she could, but the question she intended to ask Evalie was weighing on her mind. So, finally, come lunch time, she asked Evalie to accompany her in one of the empty classrooms.

"What is it, Rhyse?" She asked with a sweet tone and cute tilt of her head.

"O-oh, well," Rhyse shuffled her feet and twiddled her thumbs as she spoke, "I hope you know I believe that you always speak the truth."

"Of course, you're a great friend." Evalie beamed as she spoke.

"But....I just need to ask...Have you ever met Edith before?"

"Huh? Well, yes, at the ball and at school...." She feigned ignorance, acting confused.

"No, I mean before all of that. Did you something to upset her?"

"Rhyse," Evalie's voice shifted in some indescribable way. Rhyse picked up on it.

"I'm sorry, but I fail to see how that has anything to do with you."

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now