Part Twenty-Three

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I froze as the carriage approached the manor. It was large, covered in ornate details that captivated your eyes. Outside were rows of servants, all standing on either side of the luxurious carpet that covered the center of the entrance's stone steps. I could tell that the man who lives here must marvel in his estate's splendor.

I would've rolled my eyes if I weren't so dead inside. I was recounting the events from the days prior at the beginning of the long journey. I refuse to believe that my friends are dead. They wouldn't die so easily, but, then again, they are just fifteen and they tried to hold their own against a surplus of grown men.

I stepped out of the transport and thanked the boy who opened it for me. He wore a solid black shirt of fine material and loose slacks that were held up by an expensive leather belt. Even the servants were dressed extravagantly, but the Duke hadn't even bothered to get their measurements. I could tell by looking at the loose waistline and how the pants were folding when they reached the boy's ankles.

"My lady?" The boy looked at me with a confused expression, causing me to instantly jerk my head back in front of me. 'Shit, I was staring at his crotch for too long.' Though, I didn't feel embarrassed about it, I didn't feel much of anything at all as I approached the ominous building that I was supposed to reside in for the rest. of. my. life.


I had been led inside and sat in a large, open room that was laced with windows. The bright sunlight poured in and coated my features as I sat rigidly on the yellow couch in the center of the room. It was accompanied by a yellow chair on either side and a dark, low wooden table in front of it.

Then, the door opened and slow, graceful footsteps hit my ears. I didn't bother turning my head since I could already assume who it was.

"My beautiful lady," He said as he rounded the couch, standing to the side of it and lifting my hand to give it a kiss. "It is truly a pleasure to meet you."

I stared at his neat brown hair that had been slicked back and styled so a few strands hung forward on his face. His eyes were green, but, rather than vibrant, they were more pastel with hints of grey. He wore a dark purple suit, maybe in hopes I would assume he was royalty, but I have been well informed that he is just a well-respected duke. 

His skin was pale, and his face was framed with a sharp jawline and a strong neck. This man could easily over power me, I know that. So, I stopped studying him, not wanting to think about it, and smiled in response to him as his lips brushed my hand.

"Yes, thank you, it is a pleasure to meet you as well, your grace." I lowered my head in sort of a bow as I spoke. He slowly lowered himself in the chair behind him and reluctantly let go of my hand.

"Please, do call me Soveishu." He grinned as he spoke. I nodded in response, not because I was timid, but because I had lost any will I ever had to do anything just moments ago. So, conversing wasn't one of my strengths at the moment. But, perhaps it's better this way. If he assumes I am shy, he assumes I'm not a threat to him at all. Maybe I could escape this place.

"Then, would my Lady be fine with me addressing her as Edith?" He asked with a charming smile. Even though he was kind and hadn't made any advances, he is still in his thirties and took in a girl half his age to marry.

"Yes, that would be quite alright." I gave him a small smile, which caused him to relax in his chair more.

"Moving so suddenly must be quite tiring for a lady." He said, clearly picking up on my lack of interest in the conversation. He just thinks I'm tired, so I might as well play the part.

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now