Part Nine

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I could not recount, even if I tried, how many hours my mother spent dressing me. She ordered the maids around constantly, having them change my outfit over and over until she felt it was just right. 

My hair and jewelry was a separate dilemma in itself, and by the end of it all I was left feeling utterly drained. Though, I did look quite nice, I would say.

I wore a dark green dress that draped over itself in layers below my waist, the upper portion parted in a flattering V-shape and clung to the sides of my shoulders. Decorative, white laced fabric graced anywhere my skin might've been exposed up to my neck to keep my attire modest and befitting of a minor.

I wore shimmering gold jewelry around my wrists and on my ears to compliment the gold-colored lining on the sleeves and bottom of my dress, and to also accentuate the vibrance of the rich green fabric.

My dark red hair was put up in a decorative bun, leaving only two loose curled strands framing my face. My lashes were brushed upward into a slight curl, but other than that, my face had no makeup. I thought it was strange since, where I was originally from, a lot of people start wearing makeup at around the age of twelve, but that is apparently not the case in this fantasy world.


Heinry gulped as the carriage approached Edith's manor. He straightened his tie that was tucked under his dark blue vest before ensuring the collar of his white suit jacket was in place. "Come on," He whispered to himself, "Stop being so nervous." He closed his eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath.

"Your highness, we have arrived." The carriage driver called back to him.


I rushed down the spiraling steps of the manor, gliding my hand along the wooden railing. I stood at the bottom impatiently as the servants slowly opened the large front doors. I saw Heinry making his way up the stone steps, but my excitement was suddenly cut short when I felt a cold hand rest itself on my shoulder.

"I'm sure you won't jeopardize our plans," I felt my father's breath on my ear, causing me to flinch. "Would you, my dear Edith?" I shook my head and kept staring forward, not daring to face him. Though I was obedient now, he was still weary of me because of my previous defiance. However, it was three years ago. The man sure can hold a grudge. 

"Good," He said, "Go have fun." I almost audibly scoffed as I watched him walk off. I'd rather him curse me and beat me to a pulp than say such unfitting words.

But, my feelings of spite quickly vanished upon seeing my Heinry walk inside. "Your eminence." I bowed to him and I could tell he was fighting the urge to laugh. "My lady," He bowed to me before extending his elbow. "Shall we go?" I smiled and then slid my arm around his.

As we walked out, I didn't dare look behind me as I could feel my father's bone-chilling gaze. But, his highness did, he stared at him right in his cold eyes, his gaze looking just as cold....maybe even colder. Of course, I didn't notice this as I had no desire to pay any attention to my minacious father.

The carriage ride could befit no description other than fun. I'm sure we both kept each other's minds at ease. I haven't met Heinry's father, but I've read about him. He is just as bad, if not worse, than my own father.

And, in the span of what felt like only a few minutes, we arrived at the ball. His highness helped me out of the carriage and started to lead me up the steps, but he stopped when he felt me squeeze his hand.

"What's troubling you, duchess?" He asked as he leaned over to look into my eyes.

"I'm worried I'll...make a fool of myself by tripping during the dance." I said bashfully.


 I instantly shot Heinry a displeased glare. "Did you just laugh?"

"What ever are you talking about?"

"Tsk. I'm sure the public would be surprised to learn that their beloved prince finds pleasure in others' misfortune." I shook my head and turned away.

"I assure you that is not the case." He said but I still shook my head.

"Well, what was it then?" I turned and stared him right in his eyes. This seemed to surprise him, as his eyes widened and he averted his gaze.

"I just," He cleared his throat. "I thought you looked cute." He blushed for a second but then he quickly regathered himself.

"And besides, you'll be fine. If anyone were to embarrass themselves, I am sure it wouldn't be you. You can act very refined when you want--not that you're not refined! I just mean that you--" 

'He's rambling.' I thought. 'How cute.'

I grabbed his face to stop him from talking. "There was no need for you to blather this much, I assure you I took your words as a compliment, your highness." I then let go and began to walk in front of him, yet he was frozen in his awkward leaning position. "Besides," I turned as I walked. "I'll always gladly accept any compliment you give me rather than you mocking me. And I find you quite adorable as well."

I turned back around and continued my stride, listening to his highness scramble out of his stunned position. "W-wait up, duchess." He called out and rushed back to my side.


We arrived inside of the banquet and Heinry had to lift my jaw up so my agape mouth would close. The decorations were extravagant and the hall was filled with well-dressed, fine looking young men and women. However, this isn't what caught my eye, rather it was the infinitely long table of cuisine that appeared to sparkle in front of my eyes.

"You look as if you've fallen in love," Heinry leaned down to my ear. "Is my lady that famished?"

"Heinry," I turned to him, "My stomach is touching my back." I said and then let go of his hand. "You don't mind, do you?" I looked at him expectantly.

"Of course not," He smiled. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to watch me just idly chat all night." He ushered me off to the food. "I'll meet back with you when the music starts." He said before turning to some high-class nobles calling his name.

I gathered as much as I could on my plate, still making sure it wasn't so much that I wouldn't fit in my dress by the end of the night. I reluctantly paced myself as I ate, but then a noble girl approached me.

"Hello, Duchess Edith Thornwood," She bowed, "I am Lady Rhyse Aren. A pleasure to meet you." I shook my head with a smile. "The pleasure is all mine." I said.

"It appears we will be classmates." Her eyes lit up as she spoke.

"It appears so," I said as I stared at her beautiful, long brown hair and yellow dress. "I just adore your outfit." I said and she almost jumped in excitement. Maybe this is because my family's social class is so high, she must think of it as an honor to speak to me.

"Thank you, my lady, but your looks are all the more dashing!"

"Well, let's just say we both look equally beautiful then."

"Of course! Yet, I don't believe I could even compare to you."

"Nonsense, there's no need to flatter me."

"Oh, but it isn't simple flattery! I am only telling you my humble truth."

"As am I," I said with a smile, "You look truly gorgeous." 

She became bashful at my words and swayed in place. "Would you like to be my acquaintance?" I sprung the question on her and I almost thought I saw her flinch.

"You wish to be friends with me?!" She almost yelled at the top of her lungs. 

"Oh, did I displease you?" My heart almost leapt out of my chest. Does she view me as a villain?

"Not at all!" She grasped my hands and began to jump up and down. "I am just so elated that you asked! Of course I will be your friend." I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "As am I elated that you accepted."

But, suddenly I caught a glimpse of someone....someone who shouldn't be here. I recognized her beautiful blonde hair almost instantly, her round, bluebell eyes, and her delicate frame.


Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now