Part twenty-eight

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My heart raced as I stared at the door. I never got visitors unless Soveishu wanted something. "My lady," I heard a female's voice faintly through the door. "I am here for your dress fitting." I sighed at her words. I knew nothing of a dress fitting but I still granted her permission to come in. 

When she entered, fully equipped with everything she would possibly need including multiple maids at her beck and call, I knew instantly that this was a fitting for my birthday dress. My husband was ecstatic about my birthday which is no surprise. So, naturally he's gone to great lengths to make everything perfect.

As I stood there, being measured and occasionally poked by the woman's sewing needle, I couldn't help but think of Heinry. He is doing fine now, and I have every reason to give up on him. Of course he's in love with Evalie, or Eva I should say. It's what's supposed to happen and she's probably fooled him perfectly.

Though I know he's not easily taken advantage of and I want to believe he hates her--I want to believe he'll never love her--I also know about her extreme power over this world. She told me about her acquaintance with the creator: How he granted her this opportunity to torture me. So, how could I ever be hopeful when I know all of this was designed just to punish me?

That being said, Heinry's birthday is in two days and he is set to marry Evalie in a week. The emperor clearly wants to tie him down fast much as I wish he doesn't want to be...I'm sure he's extremely excited about the marriage....Unlike me and mine.

It seems Soveishu has already selected a dress for me. I have no say in it at all. He's become much more...defiant recently. He used to obey me to a fault(Which isn't really obeying, but he doesn't beat me when I disagree with him.), which is unusual for someone of his status. Yet, he's almost become antsy lately, like he's fed up. Maybe it's because I've made him wait for three years, but then again, if he didn't wish to wait, he wouldn't. I can't help but feel that someone else is in control.

But, nevertheless, I must persevere. I can't go cry about everything now--at least I'm still alive....for now.


Heinry was shocked at the scene before him. Evalie threw herself at him in a fit of tears when he entered school the next day. His mind had been so occupied by his birthday being just 24 hours from now (This is taking place a day after Edith's POV) that it took all his strength to focus on the matter before him.

"W-What do you think happened?" Evalie bawled as the imperial guards carried the body away. Heinry took a deep breath, knowing he had to fulfill his royal duties at this moment. He carefully moved her aside and made his way to the lead knight at the scene that spoke to the dean.

"Excuse me, sir, but may I ask what has happened?"

The knight turned to him, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the boy.

"Ah, your highness, I'm glad you have arrived."

"Yes, thank you...." Heinry was clearly not in the mood for small talk and only intended to get information.

"It appears that a young countess by the name of Rhyse has..umm.."

"I assure you I am not squeamish, please continue, sir."

"Ah, yes, well it appears that she has ended her own life."

"By the looks of where they escorted the body from, am I correct in assuming she has jumped from the roof?"

"...Yes, your highness..but....that's not the concerning part."

Heinry's eyes darkened as he heard his words. "She didn't do it did she?"

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now