Part Twelve

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Heinry didn't know why I called him out, why I invited him to my garden, but he still arrived so diligently and willingly. He had become such a good person and changed so much from when I first met him. Perhaps that is why I feel so terrible about what I am about to do.

I stared down at him as he waited in a white metal chair in the garden, accompanied by a cute white table and another chair across from it. Where he sat was a perfect view from my father's window, which happened to be exactly where I was. "You know what to do." I heard his cold voice from behind me, prompting me to head out of the room and make my way to Heinry.

I felt like a robot, a machine with no mind, just carrying out its master's orders. I felt sick to my stomach as I saw Heinry stand up to greet me, his smile fading as I drew closer. My dead eyes stared right into his lively blue irises. 'Oh, I hope I'll never cause that liveliness to go away.'

"Edith, what's wrong?" He worriedly approached me but I did not answer. I just reached my hands up and grabbed his face. He could see the healing bruise on my cheek even though the maids tried their best to hide it with makeup by my father's orders. Though I was looking at him, I wasn't at the same time. I was looking beyond him, somewhere where no one could see me, judge me, or tell me what to do---somewhere quiet where no one exists.

"Edith..!" He started to say, but as I drew my mouth closer to his, he could see me faintly mouthing the word 'please' as I hadn't even the strength to speak it aloud. I pressed my lips against his and closed my eyes. Heinry's mind was filled with confusion as his eyes grew wide, but then, he glanced up at the top story window above the garden. My father narrowed his eyes at us with a murderous expression. He instantly stared back at me.

Heinry then pulled my arms away, causing my hands to fall from his face. 'I knew it, he hates me now.' I thought, but then he did something unexpected. He guided my hands to the back of his neck and then gently placed his hand on my face to pull my lips further into his while his other hand rested on my waist. He closed his eyes and began to truly kiss me, moving his mouth gently.

Tears began to stream down my face and I didn't dare open my eyes, I was still in my made up world, far away from here, far away from my problems.

'Oh,' I thought,

'Heinry's here too.'


I hadn't contacted Heinry since that day, though he did reach out. But, what was I to say? Sorry for forcing a kiss on you and then bawling my eyes out? No, in any case he thinks I'm insane. He is, however, perceptive, so he must've returned my kiss because he suspected my father was the reason for my behavior. Either that or he was just humoring me. Both are equally as embarrassing.

My father, on the other hand, hasn't spoken to me at all. I'm not dead, so I assume he believes me. Maybe he's just too proud to admit that he's wrong.

However, he is not of importance right now. What is important is the fact that today is my first day of school. I shouldn't be so nervous, since I've had countless first days in my previous life, but this is the Royal Academy. The title alone is terrifying.

Hilda rushed into my room to help me get ready, brushing my hair and straightening up my uniform. "Hilda, isn't it a bit excessive to--"

"Shush!" She held her finger to my mouth. "You're a duchess, how could I let you do any of this yourself?" I sighed in response. Hilda was always so strong-willed, even if it was at her own expense.

When I was finally ready, she gave me a tight hug. "You're so grown up now!" She cried as she squeezed me. "I remember when you were but a bratty little girl." I glanced to the side, knowing that wasn't me she was speaking of. "Well, I'm better now, aren't I?" I said as I held her shoulders. "Yes, but that is exactly why I am so upset." She fell back into a crying fit and I patted her back to ease her sorrow.

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now