Chapter 4

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Charlotte's room was big, she had always lived in a big house, she had been living in this one since she was eight. She sat on the floor at the end of her bed, leaning on the soft duvet that hung over the end. The light from the moon shone through the crack in the curtains. She had a few text books out in front of her, a notebook and a pencil case. She was wrapped up in her physics study, so much so she hardly noticed Felix was pushing the door open until he had knocked. Felix slipped in.

"Hey." Charlotte's sweet voice said with a huge smile.

"Hey." Felix said, looking down. "Whatcha' doing?"

"Studying. How did you get in?" She questioned as Felix wandered in, pushing the door shut behind him.

"Your brother was in the kitchen." He said. "The physics test isn't for like a week."

He sat down next to Charlotte but still kept some distance between them.

"I have a cheer meet right before the test though." She said, looking into his eyes. She just didn't understand what she was doing wrong. She wasn't full of herself but she knew she was pretty, she was kind, but he never wanted to do anything else than sit in her bedroom.

"When did we learn this?" Felix said, breaking the tension and refocusing Charlotte's attention off of himself.

"We have been doing this all year." She said as she gave up once more, realising nothing would happen tonight. Felix responded with some kind of noise, maybe a scoff or a chuckle. Charlotte inched closer to Felix, trying to figure out what he was feeling. She looked into Felix's eyes and lent closer. The doorbell rang, and Felix jumped away at the sound. He felt bad for leading her on, but he also wasn't sure that he was. He did like her. He wasn't really sure how he was supposed to feel if he liked her... Romantically. Everyone thought he did, so he must, right?


The entrance to Luke and Charlotte's house was prestigious. The walls were royal blue, the front door was big and glass. There was a coat rack full of big fur coats, there was a shoe rack that had everything from mud soaked sneakers to glitter covered stilettos. Every fixture was gold. The staircase to the second floor was just a few metres from the door. Luke ran over to the door from where he had been in the kitchen, it wasn't far, only a few steps. There was a shadow through the glass door, it wasn't clear it was privacy glass. Luke opened the door, noticing the rain that was coming down. Jordan stood on a chunk of concrete that was just by the door, it was covered. He had a six pack of beer in one hand and two packs of chips in the other.

"Hey" Luke said with a grin.

"I got beer." Jordan responded, he walked in shutting the door behind him. Luke went back to the kitchen for a moment before returning.

"I got the joints, and the real alcohol." He lifted a bottle of vodka.

"Your moms not here is she?" Jordan asked as they walked up the stairs.

"Nah. She's in Paris with another one of her boyfriends." He said, rolling his eyes.


Charlotte and Felix still sat on the floor, in awkward silence as they read through the textbooks. Felix looked up ever so often to check Charlotte was still focused on her book. Felix shifted slightly, creating some space between them. They could hear Luke and Jordan talking indistinctly as their voices passed by the door. Luke opened the door abruptly. Felix jumped a little, he was so uncomfortable. In a room with the girl he was supposed to be hooking up with and the boy he was there to see.

"Chips." Luke said, throwing a packet of chips at Charlotte's face.

"You took my lunch money." She said, gesturing to the beers.

Him not you, book one.Where stories live. Discover now