The Southern Lights

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After the Spirit Attack, Kora woke me early the next morning, she was excited to learn from Uncle Unalaq. We met him near the gate to the city. "You're early." He commented, watching as we dismounted Naga and Nuki.

"What can we say?" Korra wondered. "We're pumped up to learn that Unalaq Spirit Fighting."

"I hope it's not only fighting." I said. "I don't want to harm the Neglected Spirits."

"I'm not here to teach you to fight Spirits." Uncle Unalaq stated. "I'm here to help Yunoh begin her Spiritual Training. We're going to one of the most remote places in the world, the long-neglected Spiritual Centre of your tribe, the South Pole."

"Really?" I wondered, a grin growing on my face. "We're training there?"

"We will do more than just train. By neglecting the Spirits, the people of the South have brought darkness upon themselves, and now it threatens to destroy our Tribe. We must set things right. The Southern Water Tribe depends on you, Yunoh."

"A dangerous trip to the South Pole?" Korra wondered. "Count me in!"

"I'll do what I can for the people." I decided, setting my hand on my chest. "As the Avatar, it is my solemn duty."

"Are you sure you don't need me to come?" Asami asked as I saddled Nuki with supplies

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"Are you sure you don't need me to come?" Asami asked as I saddled Nuki with supplies.

"I'm sure." I repeated, turning to my girlfriend. "You should stay here with Varrick, make sure your deal is secure." Asami frowned a little. "I'll be ok." I assured. Saria climbed up Asami's side and settled around her shoulders, chittering. "And I think Saria wants you close too." Asami chuckled, gently scratching under Saria's chin.

"I'll keep an eye on her." Asami said. "I'll see you soon." Asami lent forward and pecked my cheek, heading off before Dad rocked up on a snowmobile. Uncle Unalaq approached him.

"Tonraq, what do you want?" Uncle Unalaq demanded.

"I heard you're taking Korra and Yunoh to the South Pole." Dad started, crossing his arms. "I'm coming."

"Absolutely not! You're a distraction to Yunoh, and a hindrance to what needs to be done."

"My daughters are not going without me. They need someone to watch over them."

"Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for us?" Korra asked, approaching the two on Naga with Mako behind her. I stepped up to the group to hear what was to be said.

"Because he's misguided." Uncle Unalaq stated. "The sad truth is it's men like your father who have put the Spirit World out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since."

"What happened?" I asked softly. "I mean, if it's not too painful to share, Dad."

"It doesn't matter." Dad told us. What matters is the Everstorm."

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