The Revelation

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As Korra trained with the Fire Ferrets, Tenzin gave me time off so I decided to spend that time with Asami. The boat dropped Korra, Nuki and I on the docks. We bid goodbye to each other and went our separate ways. Asami contacted me over the radio last night and told me to meet her at her place. I led Nuki through the streets of Republic City. I, unfortunately, had no idea where the Sato Estate was, so I had to ask where it was. "Excuse me?" I asked. The person turned, looked up at me and grinned.

"Avatar Yunoh!" They greeted. "It's an honour to meet you."

"Please, the honour is all mine. I was wondering if you could direct me to the Sato Estate?"

"Oh! I can show you the way if you want me to." My eyes widened and I shook my hands.

"No no no!" I assured. "I just need directions, I don't want to inconvenience you."

"If you're sure." The man sighed. "Just take the main road here and take a left. Take the third right and it'll be right there." I smiled and bowed.

"Thank you." I pat Nuki's shoulder. "Come now girl, let's go." With a small smile, we were off. I waved politely to the other citizens as I passed them as I made my way to the Sato Estate. When I reached the front gates, my jaw dropped. The place was massive, the biggest place I've ever seen. I dismounted Nuki, took a hold of her reins, walked up to the front gate and saw that there was a radio transmitter. I put my finger on the button. "Uh, hello?" I asked.

"Who is it?" A voice crackled.

"My name is Yunoh, Asami told me to meet her today?"

"A-Avatar Yunoh!" I resisted rolling my eyes. "Yes! Yes, come in! Miss Sato will meet you in the foyer." The front gates started to open.

"Thank you." I took my finger off the button and entered the estate. I followed the long path up to the house. I marvelled at the sheer size of the entire thing, it was bigger than the Southern Water Tribe Compound. As I approached the door, a butler opened it for me. "Thank you." I said to him. I turned to Nuki. "Girl, sit." Nuki plopped herself down. "Good girl." I scratched Nuki in between the ears, causing her tail to wag happily. "Now stay." I entered the estate. When I entered, I spun in a circle as I entered the foyer. There was a large staircase that was lined with a red carpet, ornate artworks lined the walls and plants hung from the ceiling. "Oh my Spirits..." I breathed.

"Yunoh!" A voice cheered from behind me. I turned and grinned when I saw Asami at the top of the stairs. "I'm so happy you were able to make it." Asami hurried down the stairs and threw her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. Asami then pushed me away and held my shoulders. "I want you to meet my dad." My eyes widened.

"What?" I questioned. "Seriously? I don't want to impose, your dad is a busy man and he's got work and-"

"No no, he insisted." Asami let go of my shoulders and linked my arm with hers. "Come on." Asami started to pull me up the stairs, me stumbling behind. "When he found out that I met up with the Avatar yesterday he wanted to meet you himself."

"I...ok..." I let Asami drag me through her house to a large office, where a man was sitting behind a desk on the phone. He saw us and smiled.

"You'll have to excuse me, I will have to call you back later sir, an important guest has just arrived." Hiroshi said into the phone before hanging the up. "Avatar Yunoh." He greeted, standing. "It's an honour to meet you." Hiroshi bowed.

"No, please, it's an honour to meet you, Mister Sato." I said, placing my hands in the traditional Fire Nation greeting and bowing politely. After I straightened, I dropped my hands. "And please, call me Yunoh."

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