And The Winner Is...

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I decided to sit in on the Fire Ferret's training one day, sitting on the bench next to the radio with Saria and Pabu sleeping on my lap. The group were throwing their table elements at pictures of Tahno that were hanging up. I clapped as they destroyed the black and white portraits. "You are listening to the music hour." The radio said. "Brought to you by Cabbage Corp, Republic City's trusted name in technology for over fifty years."

"Man, I got a good feeling about tonight." Korra declared. "I don't care if we are the underdogs, we can take those pompous wolf-bats."

"It's going to be our toughest match ever." Mako reminded her, taking off his helmet. "But I think you're right."

"Introducing your new champs, the Fantastic Fire Ferrets!" Bolin exclaimed in an announcers voice. I laughed alongside Korra, but was cut off by the static of the raido. I turned to it.

"How old is this radio?" I commented, gently rapping the top of it with my knuckles.

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City." A gravely voice sounded from the device, and I froze, it was Amon. "This is Amon." Pabu and Saria woke up and let out matching terrified squeaked, jumping off my lap and scurrying away. "I hope you enjoyed last night's Pro Bending match, because it will be the last. It's time for the City to stop worshipping Bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the Council to shut down the Bending Arena and cancel the finals, or else...there will be severe consequences."

"That guy's got some nerve!" Bolin stated.

"You think the council will give in?" Mako asked.

"I'm not waiting to find out." Korra said. "We need to get to City Hall."

"They may have already made a decision." I told them. "We could be too late, plus the meeting may not even be open to the public."

"We have to try though." Korra implored.

"We will try." I assured her. "But I just want to make sure you understand." Korra nodded. After exiting the Pro Bending Arena, Kora and Mako mounted Naga while Bolin and I hopped on Nuki and we were off. We let them rest out the front of City Hall and Korra burst through the doors, me trailing behind with the brothers after me.

"Korra, Yunoh, you shouldn't be here." Tenzin said, standing from his seat. "This is a closed meeting."

"As-" Korra started. I stared at the side of her head. She glanced back to me and looked sheepish. "Sorry." I gave her a half-smile as I turned to the Council Members, walking ahead of the group.

"Look, all we want to do is understand your decision." I explained as we stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led to the table where the Council Members were seated. "I would like the match to go forward, if possible, and I know that the Fire Ferrets and the Wolf Bats do too."

"I know winning the Championship means a lot to you, Korra, but as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the Arena down." Tenzin explained.

"And Councilmen? Councilwoman?" I questioned. "What are your positions on the matter?"

"Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?" Korra interrupted. My elbow snapped out and caught Korra in the stomach, causing her to wheeze and clutch her midsection, folding in on herself. "You didn't need to do that." Korra groaned.

"Actually, Tenzin and I agree for once." Tarrlok admitted as he stood.

"The Council is unanimous, we're closing the Arena." Tenzin stated.

"No!" Mako protested.

"You can't!" Bolin added.

"Forgive me, Tarrlok, but you have been the most vocal about taking a stance against Amon." I reminded them. "Wouldn't you be against this?"

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