Out of the Past

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Tarrlok stopped the Satomobile in an unknown location, and before I could do anything, he already had control of my body and was moving me. We went past a dizzying amount of doors and down some stairs. He Bloodbent me into a metal box. "What are..." I gasped out. "What are you doing?" Tarrlok dropped me, and then slammed the door in my face. I took a Metalbending stance and punched the wall, but it didn't budge. Crap, it was platinum. I slumped against the wall of the small box I was in, drained. Tears fell down my cheeks as I realised how futile any of my actions would be...but then...Tenzin's words came to mind. I urge you to meditate on these visions...I believe Aang's spirit is trying to tell you something... Ok. I sat cross-legged, my eyes closing as I set my hands in a meditative pose on my lap. I took a deep breath in through my nose, and slowly let it out through my lips as I let my mind wander.


Avatar Aang stood out the front of a restaurant, turning when a voice called him. "What are you doing here, Aang?" Aang turned to see his old friend, and now Chief of the Republic City Metalbending Police with some of her officers. "I told you, I have this under control."

"Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't get involved, but if what those victims said is true, we're not dealing with a normal criminal." Aang told her.

"Fine." The Chief smirked and gestured the Avatar after her. "Follow me, Twinkle Toes."

"Toph, I'm forty years old, you think you could stop with the nicknames?"

"Fraid not." The Chief and her officers walked into the restaurant to find a man sitting at a table by himself. "It's over." Toph jabbed a finger in the man's face. "You're under arrest Yakone." The man, a strong man in Waterbender attire, looked up.

"What is Republic City coming to?" The man, Yakone, wondered. "Used to be, a man could enjoy his lunch in peace." Toph bent a metal cable around his wrist and yanked him forward, knocking his table over. Her officers grabbed and restrained him. "What's the big idea?"

"We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone." Aang told him. "We know what you are."

"Take him away!" Toph ordered. Her officers hauled the man away.

"I've beaten every trumped-up charge you yahoos have brought against me!" Yakone spat. "And I'll beat this one too..."


I came back into my body with a small gasp. "Aang..." I trailed off. I smiled softly. "Finally after all this time, we connected. There's something more you want to show me, now..." I closed my eyes with a soft sigh. "Let's connect, tell me what you want to know."


Avatar Aang sat behind Yakone during a trial in City Hall. The council seats consisted of one member from each nation, the Water nation having two, one for the Northern Tribe and one for the Southern tribe. "Yakone has ruled Republic City's criminal empire for years." The prosecution started. "Yet he has always managed to stay out of the law's reach, until now. You will hear testimony, from dozens of his victims, and they will tell you, Yakone has maintained his grip on the underworld by using an ability that has been illegal for decades. Bloodbending." Chief Sokka narrowed his eyes at the insinuation of the forbidden Bending. It was then the defence lawyer stood.

"The prosecution's entire case is built upon the make-believe notion that my client is able to Bloodbend at will, at any time on any day." The defence lawyer revealed. I remind the council that Bloodbending is an incredibly rare skill and it can only be performed during a full moon Yet, the witnesses will claim that my client used Bloodbending at every other time except during a full moon. It would be a mockery of justice to convict a man of a crime that is impossible to commit."

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