Turning the Tides

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The morning after I was rescued, Korra wouldn't leave my side. She piled plates in front of me and I dug in happily. "This food is so good." I said happily. "Thank you so much, Pema, you didn't need to...but I am starting to feel a little more like myself.

"We're so thankful you're home safe." Pema said, standing. She walked over and took my empty plates.

"Let me help." Asami requested, standing and moving to help the pregnant Air Acolyte.

"Yunoh, I realize you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened." Tenzin said. I took a deep breath.

"Well, the first thing you should all know...is Tarrlok is lying about who he is." I stated. "He's Yakone's son.

"It all makes sense now." Lin realised. "That's how Tarrlok was able to Bloodbend us without a full moon."

"But how did you escape?" Tenzin asked. "And where's Tarrlok?" I tensed a little.

"I uh..." I started softly. "Before I escaped...Amon showed up. I don't know what happened, but I think he took Tarrlok's bending."

"What?" Tenzin demanded. I nodded a little.

"I don't know how he found us, but...he almost got me as well."

"This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the Avatar...I fear Amon is entering his endgame." Mako then stood and walked out.

"Yunoh, why don't I give you a quick healing session." Korra suggested.

"Sure." I agreed with a small nod. The two of us stood and headed to the bathroom. As Korra filled the tub, I stripped to my undergarments. I got in the chilled water when it was full enough. The entire bath shone a pale blue as Korra bent the water around me to finish healing me. I sighed gently and leaned back in the bath.

"I am really glad you're safe." Korra said gently. "I was really worried about you."

"I know." I turned to Korra as I spoke. "But, I'm alive."

"Look, I know this isn't the best time to ask something like this, but it's been something that I've noticed...do you...like Asami?" My eyes widened and I flailed in the bathtub.

"What?!" I sputtered. "Me...uh...Asami?"

"I see the way you look at her." Korra finished healing and lent on the edge of the bathtub. 'It's the same look Mum and Dad give each other."

"The...same way you look at Mako, yeah?" Korra looked away and flushed. I smiled a little. "It's ok, Korra, I won't tell anyone."

"I think Asami knows. I uh...I kissed Mako."

"Korra." I groaned. "Kissing someone who's already dating?"

"I know, I know, it's bad." Korra put her hands over her face.

"It's ok." I assured. I then sighed. "Look at us, the Southern Water Tribe girls in love with Fire Nation Natives." Korra chuckled.

"Come on." Korra said, standing. "Let's head back, you don't want to get all pruney." Before I could fully get out of the tub, I heard faint explosions. Korra and I shared a nervous look before I quickly changed back into my clothes and we rushed outside to meet Lin, Mako, Bolin and Asami not too far behind. "We heard explosions. What's going on?"

"Republic City is under attack." Lin stated. I put my hands over my mouth.

"No..." I breathed.

"What do we do?" Bolin asked. It then clicked...this was my job. This was my call. I took a deep breath, straightening.

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