The Spirit of Competition

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After the mishaps with the Equalists, I started to avoid Korra yet again. She almost got me killed and hadn't even apologised for it. I spent most of my time with Asami when she wasn't with Mako, and when I wasn't with her, I was with Tenzin, mastering my Airbending. I know part of the Airbending belief is to look for the good in others, but the hurt I felt trumped my training. A couple of days before the first championship game, I joined Asami as we headed to the Arena to give the Fire Ferrets their new uniforms. When we arrived, the trio was in a huddle. "Are we ready?" Mako asked.

"We're ready." Korra and Bolin replied.

"Not quite." Asami said. "You'll need these." I lifted the new Fire Ferret uniform with a smile.

"Hey Asami, Yunoh." Mako greeted.

"Good morning sweetie." Mako approached us and I offered Mako the shirt.

"These new uniforms look great."

"You look great, champ." I looked away when the two rubbed noses, and my eyes fell to Korra. She looked like she was about to say something, however, I glared at her, prompting her to snap her mouth shut.

"Well, teammates, I'll see you before the match tonight." Mako said. "Asami and I have a lunch date."

"Have fun." I said, turning to the couple.

"Ok, we'll check you guys later." Bolin called as the couple left the room. "You know, we'll see you when we see you."

"I'm heading back to Air Temple Island." I said to the two, mostly looking at Bolin. "I'll see you before the match too, Asami offered to let me sit in her box for the matches." I smiled, waved at the two and started to leave.

"Yunoh, wait up!" Korra called, causing me to stifle a groan. "I'll walk with you to the docks."

"I don't need you to walk with me." I snapped at her, speeding up my walking. I felt a hand grasp my wrist, causing me to turn sharply and glare at Korra.

"What is up with you, Yunoh?" Korra demanded. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"You wanna know why I'm mad?" I asked. I let out a humourless laugh. "It's because you think I can't speak for myself." I yanked my arm out of Korra's grip. "You thought that just because I'm not a confident public speaker, that I can't make decisions for myself. I didn't want to join Tarrlok's task force, you were there when I told him that. And then you casually spout it to reporters, practically forcing me into it. And then, at the press conference, you cut me off before I could say anything and basically declared war on Amon and the Equalists...I could have lost my bending, Korra, I could have died. And then where would that leave us? Either way, we could have ended up without an Avatar." I pressed my lips together. "So that's why I'm mad, Korra, because you risked my life." I took a step back. "I'll see you at dinner." I turned on my heel and strode away, leaving Korra alone in the hall.

" I turned on my heel and strode away, leaving Korra alone in the hall

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