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In very little time, Korra, Mako and I made it to the Pro Bending Arena, which looked hideous draped in the red of the Equalists. Large posters of Amon were hung everywhere as well, the largest being on the stage. My friends and I situated ourselves on a balcony. We let Mako take point, while I was on his left and Korra to his right. We had a good view of the entire rally, Non-Benders from all walks of life, dressed in reds, blues and greens, it broke my heart to see so many people who hated the thing that our societies were founded on. I watched as Amon rose from the stage, and the crowd went wild. "Thank you all for joining me on this historic occasion!" Amon lifted his arm to the cheers. "When I was a boy, a Firebender struck down my entire family and left me scarred. That tragic event began my quest to equalize the world." I couldn't deal with his lies, and I stepped forward, ripping off my mask.

"What are you doing?" Mako hissed.

"You're lying, Amon!" I shouted. Mako and Korra looked at each other and took off their masks as well. "But, Amon isn't your real name is it, Noatak?" The crowd erupted in boos and jeers, all directed at me. Amon stepped forward.

"Everyone, calm down." He ordered. The people quieted. "We have nothing to fear from the Avatar. Let's hear what she has to say."

"I have proof that Amon has been lying to you all." I said to the rally. "Proof that the Spirits didn't give him his power, why would peaceful creatures such as Spirits give a man like him to take away what they gave us." I pointed at Amon. "Amon's birth name is Noatak, and he's a Waterbender. He uses Bloodbending to take away people's Bending."

"You're desperate, Avatar. Making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort."

"I'm not desperate." I told him. "Your father wasn't killed by a Firebender, he fell into a depression after you abandoned your family. Your father was Yakone. And your brother is Councilman Tarrlok." The crowd murmured amongst each other.

"Hmph, an amusing tale, but I will show you the truth." Amon said. He reached up and pushed his hood back, and took off his mask. He revealed what appeared to be a scar across his face, which to be honest...looked like bacon. "This is what a Firebender did to me." Amon said, pointing at his own face."

"The Avatar is lying!" Someone shouted as Amon put his mask back on.

"She's telling you, he's a Waterbender!" Korra shouted at the rally. I caught Korra's arm and pulled her back. "They don't believe you." She said to me. "It didn't work."

"We said what we had to." Mako said, dropping into a fighting stance. "Let's get out of here." I looked up and saw some Equalists gearing up for a fight.

"I wouldn't leave yet, Avatar." Amon called up to me. "You'll miss the main event." I turned, only to watch as a podium lifted, revealing four people tied up. Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo. They were all chained up and gagged.

"No..." I breathed, my eyes blown wide. "They can't have..."

"We saw them get away." Korra lamented.

"Tonight, I rid the world of airbending, forever!" Amon declared.

"Let them go Amon!" I ordered, stepping forward and gripping the railing.

"You're welcome to come down here and try to stop me."

"He's trying to bait you." Mako told me, setting a hand on my arm.

"You think I don't know that!" I snapped at him, yanking my arm out from his hand. "And I don't care! You can come with me or not, but I'm going to save them!"

"The Avatar needs to be reminded of the power I possess." Amon said, turning to the Airbenders and approaching them. Mako shot Lightning at the stage, causing an explosion and causing Amon to jump back, away from the Airbending family.

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