50. Epilogue

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Mature content ahead, if you're not comfortable then don't read.

Author's Pov*

Siya got up in the morning, yeah quite shocking but she did and the sole reason for her to wake up was Holi. Today is Holi and she has decided to do some experiments with Abhimanyu. She peeked beside her and saw Abhimanyu sleeping peacefully while back-hugging her. She struggled a bit to get out of his hold but was not successful in that as he was holding her tightly. She held her breath for a minute and tried to get out of his hold slowly. After a lot of effort she was able to get out of his hold. She stood up slowly and took out her anklets because she knew Abhimanyu would definitely wake up after hearing the sound of her Anklets. She kept the anklet on the table and went to the washroom to take a bath. She came outside after wearing a saree. Her hair was wet, she dried it immediately and ran downstairs to get the colours. She came back with a plate of different colours. She settled beside Abhimanyu and took the plate in her hand while started drawing with another one.

She took a pinch of pink colour and made a big moustache on his face, she controlled her laugh and again took the yellow colour and made two triangles over his eyebrows. She took some green colour and made a trident ( 🔱) in centre of his forehead. Then she moved to his cheeks and made the moustache of a cat on his both cheeks joining to his nose from black colour. She giggled after looking at her artwork, she kept the plate on the nightstand as she was done with her experiment.

She moved to the dressing table and started doing her hair and make-up, in the meantime Abhimanyu woke up. He was a little astonished when Siya had already woken up.

“ Good Morning jaana, you woke up” Said Siya in her sweet tone like she was not the one who had caused this disaster.

“ Morning Shona, you woke up early?” He asked in a confused tone while she covered her laugh with a sweet smile, she stood up and walked to the bed. She sat in front of him.

“ It's Holi today, Happy Holi love ” Saying she engulfed him into a hug while he hugged her back tightly.

“ Happy Holi Shona” He said and she pulled out of the hug.

“ Ok, now go and freshen up, we have a lot of work” She said while he nodded and went to the bathroom.

He entered the bathroom, while she waited patiently for his most funniest reaction ever.

“SIYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA” She heard him growling in anger as expected, he came out of the bathroom in anger while she was laughing holding her stomach.

“ Oh my god Abhi, you're looking like a ghost or to be precise a cat” She said while laughing and he sighed in frustration, how didn't he even expect  her to behave normally, he thought in his mind.

“ Why the hell you did this ?” he asked her in frustration.

“Awww my wild Cat is angry aalooloolooloo” She said making weird face while he sighed and ran in her direction but it was too late she already ran outside.

He sighed in frustration when he didn't get her but then laughed off her antics, he made mind that he would surely punish her for this. Thinking he went to the bathroom.

Siya, game downstairs and saw Mihir was already behind Prisha to colour her and she ran to save her life. She was running while looking backwards before she could realise she had already bumped into someone's hard chest. She was about to fall but before that, the person caught her by the waist. She closed her eyes in fear but opened when she didn't feel any pain. She saw the person holding her was none other than Akash. Her cheek turned red, he was staring deep into her eyes. They both were lost in another world but came back to reality when they heard Mihir's voice, he was running towards Prisha with colours, he was about to colour her. That's when she hid her face in Akash's while Akash hid his face in the crook of her neck. Be sniffled her fragrance which made him calm. He took some colour from the table and pulled out of the hug, Prisha was smiling shyly. He applied the colour on her cheeks and bent down to her level, he rubbed his cheek on her cheek.

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