Chapter - 5

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"Y-You don't know who she is?" Namjoon asked, being shocked as hell.  "No hyung." Jungkook said innocently not having a clue about that person. Jieun sighs and says "It's our fault only. Kook bub, the person we are referring to as ajumma, is the head of maintenance in the Royal mansion. She is the most kind and loyal lady I have met till this age. You know, she joined as a maid in the palace when she was just 15. She is a great and ideal woman or you can say she is a warrior, my boy. She has seen us growing up. We respect her like we used to respect halmoni."

"Oh! can she scold me if I do something wrong?" Jin chuckled and said "She can even punish you if needed. But she won't, she never ever even scold us, she is the sweetest person I have ever seen." Jungkook made a OoO face.

"Hyung, me and Jieun are going to the security department then. We will make sure of the security and guards. And visit the arsenal as well and check the weapons again." Yoongi said, looking at Jin who was already looking at him. "Ok then, leave now only or it will be so late while coming back." Jin said and Jieun and Yoongi both nodded.

"Bye guys, take care." Jieun said and both of them left the mansion.

"We also need to go for shopping to buy some essential things and the dresses according to the Royal dress code." Jin said, making the bunny more excited.

"I will come with you, please hyungie" Jungkook said, with puppy eyes. "Me too" Tae and Jimin said at the same time looking at Jin. Jin nodded at them and said "Ok, who else wants to come?" "I will be coming with you too." Hoseok said, scrolling through his phone.

"What about you two?" Jin asked, looking at the unbothered twins eating chips while silently laughing at their phones.

"We don't have that much energy oppa. You all go, I will be at home with Joon. Konoko and Xiao are also coming." Y/N said with no interest to even move an inch from her place.

"Ok then, we shall get going, bye." Hoseok said, getting up from the couch along with the younger ones and Jin.

"Drive safe." Namjoon said and they left the mansion.

"Joon, don't you think we should tell that to oppas and unnie?" Y/N said looking at Namjoon, who just looked at her with disbelief after hearing her words. "Have you gone mad after attending some continuous meetings in the past days, Y/N! Do you even know what the actual fuck can happen!?" Namjoon said with an irritated tone but deep inside he was scared, damn scared.

Y/N slowly nodded and mouthed a small sorry but she was tired keeping many things to herself! Just then Koneko entered.

"What's up guys! But my girl is looking sad? You said something to her, Joon?" Koneko asked, being concerned after sitting beside Y/N.

"What will I say to the Queen of the empire?" Namjoon said, emphasising the word "Queen" making Koneko sigh.

"Hey Joon! Sorry I'm late" Xiao said as he came inside the living room. "It's fine." Namjoon replied plainly, making Xiao confused.

"Something happened between them?" Xiao whispered to Koneko. She shook her head and whispered back "I don't know. They have been acting strange since I came.

Xiao nodded at her words and fake coughed, gaining attention of the twins who are acting like they don't know each other and said "So, why did you call us at this hour?"

"We are going to the Royal palace and you two are coming with us" Y/N said in a calm voice making Xiao and Koneko frown. "Why us? I mean as much as I know you all are going to spend some family time with each other not for any missions." Koneko said, making Y/N roll her eyes. "First thing, our family includes you two. And secondly, do you think we only need you for missions?" Y/N asked, making Koneko smile nervously.

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