Kim Family Intro

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Kim Family

The Kim Family was a Royal Family of Korea which used to hold powers all over the world.

The history of the Royal says that there were two most feared and powerful families. And the Kim family is one of them.

There are also rumors saying that this family used to hold magical powers and can even talk with sprites and more. But these things are only known as "rumors" no one knows how true they are.

At present, The Royal Kim family still holds power but not as before.

People only know the former king and queen which was Mr. and Mrs. Kim. People have seen the new Kings and Queens but not their faces. Their identity is still hidden from the world.

Now, there are 6 kings 2 queens, and 1 prince. Because there is a rule in the Kim family that a boy or a girl can't be the king or queen until they turn 20. And it is assumed that the youngest son of the Kim family is still 18.

Rather than the royal family, Kims also hold power in the Mafia world.

They don't become mafia king or queen by blood but by their hard work and as they were hungry for a bloody revenge for their parents' death.

Also, Kim Industries is the biggest company in the world which has been holding its position for the last 10 years.


But even if they seem perfect to the world there is something wrong with this family as from the far you will watch them, you will see lots of love, happiness, and peace. No problems at all, everything looks perfect just like them. But when you will come a little closer and then you will see sadness and unsaid words. The more you come closer you will see the hidden secrets, silent screams, and the unsaid story, so many things are hidden in here, if you try to know one, others will hunt you.

They stay silent about themselves a lot. Because they know a single mistake or even a single word can shatter the whole empire.

"Viewed from a certain distance and under a good light, even an ugly city can look like the promised land"

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