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Eclipsa stands at foot of her younger sister's bed, tears rolling down her redden cheeks as she watches her sleep peacefully

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Eclipsa stands at foot of her younger sister's bed, tears rolling down her redden cheeks as she watches her sleep peacefully. She wanted to wake her but could tell that she was exhausted by the way her small body was spiraled out underneath her thick blankets.

It wasn't her intention to make a six hour drive late at night from Oregon to San Francisco; however, the late night call she received left her no choice.

She sniffles and rids her tears and she takes a seat at her sister's vanity, watching her sleep peacefully while the numerous thoughts residing within her mind left her wide awake. The whole ride over she cried on and off until developing a headache that not even ibuprofen could soothe. She runs her fingers through her dark hair as her heart aches, not only for herself but for Elhora who was way more in tune with her emotions leaving Eclipsa to try and think of an alternative to breaking the news to her.

Her alluring brown eyes shift to the bedroom window where the moon appeared all in her glory. She was currently at her last lunar phase before the full moon that was due any minute now; it's energy calming Eclipsa's emotions that felt like a seesaw she had no control of.

Sorrow had made its presence clear as the waters of the Caribbean, washing along the shores of Eclipsa's brown eyes that were now red. She turns her head when whimpers fill Elhora's bedroom followed by her tossing and turning underneath her warm blankets. Her whimpers turn into faint cries in the matter of seconds before her body shoots up, tears already falling from her green eyes.

"Ellie?" Eclipsa speaks startling Elhora who gasps and reaches for the lamp beside her. She pulls the chained string, her once dark room being illuminated from the light provided. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes and looks around her bedroom before they land on Eclipsa who now stands.

"Can you at least knock or better yet call!" She speaks, sitting up properly. Eclipsa sits on the foot of it and looks into her younger sister's eyes with a weak smile. She really hated that within a matter of seconds her mood would shift leaving her to be the one to console her.

"I didn't want to wake you, I know that you have trouble sleeping." She speaks, slowly joining her sister at the top of her bed. She pushes the blankets back and slips her legs underneath them, sighing from the warmth they provided before she wraps her arms around Elhora, pulling her close into her chest. She then kisses the top of her head and rubs her hair while her brown eyes focus on Thumper who was curled up in the middle of her bed, tired himself.

"How have you been, it's been so long since I've last seen you and hugged you." Her arms wrap tighter around Elhora who grows suspicious and pulls away, looking into her older sister's teary eyes.

"Lipsa... What's wrong?" She pokes her bottom lip out and looks into her sister's eyes, worry filling the pit of her stomach causing her to feel queasy. "You're so beautiful in person, you know that right?" Eclipsa cups Elhora's warm cheeks and looks into her eyes until her faculty of sight is cut off due to tears resurfacing. Elhora wipes them away and leans into her sister knowing that something was troubling her since Eclipsa didn't cry much nor did she make random visits at such later hours.

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