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"Feels good to have you back on the squad!" Cosmo shouts when he gets a glimpse of Atlas entering the station

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"Feels good to have you back on the squad!" Cosmo shouts when he gets a glimpse of Atlas entering the station. He adjusts the personalized company duffle bag on his shoulder and smiles. "Me too, I've missed this place." Atlas admits, eyes taking in everything he had missed while on leave.

"How'd the test go and how are you feeling?" Cosmo inquires while pulling Atlas in for a hug. "The test was hard as hell. I mean the first half wasn't but the second half almost killed me." He explains following Cosmo to the lockers, waving and greeting his other crew members while doing such.

"I've heard stories about it, all I know is that it's different from our training."

"Very different," Atlas mutters while entering the combination to his locker. He smiles at the sound of the latch releasing then stuffs his duffle bag inside before he sits down on the wooden bench. "Spent four hours in a room answering multiple choice questions. Half of them were just worded differently which was confusing. Half way through I just started guessing." He laughs, unlacing his sneakers and replacing them with his work boots.

"We're just glad you're back, being two men short has been hard on us, Jeffrey transferred to station 17 last week. RaeLynn is going on medical leave in a week. She tore some ligaments in her hand and they're not healing as fast as the doctor thought." Atlas nods and tucks his white long sleeve shirt into his pants, making sure to secure them with his belt before rolling his sleeves up.

"Lucky for you, you came back at the right time, it's grocery day. A couple of us are about to head out, want to join?" Atlas nods and directs his attention to the door where their Lieutenant stood, hands in his pockets with a slight smile. "LionHart, good to have you back!" He approaches the two men, eyes on Atlas as he studies him.

After being cleared by the doctor, Lieutenant had to see for himself that he was in good shape. From the smile along his face and  faultless posture he looked to be. "Welcome back, ready to save more lives?" He continues to stare at him, making sure not to miss any minor detail that would give away the slightest clue that he was not ready to return to work.

"Always, anything good happen while I was away?" He inquires, extending his hand for a proper handshake. "Nothing interesting enough to tell you, just glad you're back with us." Lieutenant states, pulling him in for a hug.

"The city hasn't had much tragedies this week, looks like this year is starting off right."

"I hope so! So grocery shopping?" Atlas directs his attention back to Cosmo who nods and retrieves his phone from his locker.


"I swear he's happy to be back, smile hasn't left his face since he entered the station." Atlas chuckles and bites into his burrito while his brown eyes scan the packed grocery store. He continues to listen in on the conversation between Crystal and Cosmo while following behind the two of them.

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