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December 31st 2023 Golden Gate Bridge

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December 31st 2023
Golden Gate Bridge

11:32 P.M.

Atlas follows behind his partner, steel toe boots meeting the damp pavement as the two race to the edge of the bridge where the Sheriff stood, away from his Policeman on duty who were desperately trying to help the brunette from the opposite side of the bridge.

"Dispatch coded E950." Atlas vocalizes while adjusting the black and yellow fiberglass helmet on his head.

"Yes suicide attempt, her third one in the last two years." Atlas nods and releases a breath. Spending eleven months answering calls was nothing new to him, it had become an everyday routine in his life but tonight was far much different.

In the middle of dinner at the fire station, they had received a frantic call from a couple who had seen a woman standing on the edge of the tallest and longest bridge in the world that had become a symbol of strength and power for the United States.

A tourist attraction for most but tonight the bridge itself was not the star of the show. Instead, all eyes were on the brunette balancing on the edge of it with tear filled eyes. The snapping of cameras and shouts from civilians below made it no better. In fact, all it did was cloud her mind and judgment. Bringing forth a much bigger wave of emotions, ones that began to drown her, stealing air from her lungs as the waves crashed at the shores of her hazel green eyes.

"Have your men tried to talk her down?" Atlas' partner, Cosmo asks the Sheriff who nods and slides his hands in the green vest that displayed his title in bright yellow letters.

"For the last forty minutes. Every time one of them tries to help her she threatens to jump. We need to get her down, now! The bridge is backed up both ways, I can't evacuate these people but I also can't have them witness a death, not on my watch." With the year coming to an end, the Sheriff was adamant on keeping the suicide rates of San Francisco at a low. Since being sworn in he did just that. The suicide rates had drop from 245 a year down to 115 a year in his short three years of being Sheriff. Needless to say, it was an accomplishment.

It might not have been much but 130 people were able to continue on with their lives because of him.

"Don't worry," Cosmo adjusts the helmet on his head and looks up at the woman. "We're getting her down safely, tell your men to keep watch not of her but everyone else!" He shouts over the blaring alarms from approaching florescent lights.

"What do you want me to do?" Atlas questions, following behind Cosmo who was now at their truck, looking through the many life safety ropes. "Stand by, how high up does that look to you?" He points.

Atlas turns and looks up at the bridge with his bottom lip tucked. "Thirty feet give or take." He utters not entirely too sure of his answer.

"Come on, we can't just guess, Atlas. How many feet!?" He shouts while unwinding the kernmantle rope in his bruised hands. Atlas looks up at the bridge again and begins to calculate the distance between the woman and the wet pavement the two stood on.

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