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The loud vibration of her phone against her thick oakwood nightstand pulls her out of her sleep that she spent eight hours trying to get

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The loud vibration of her phone against her thick oakwood nightstand pulls her out of her sleep that she spent eight hours trying to get.

Her green eyes sting with tears from exhaustion as she reaches over to turn the light on. She then pulls her body up and pushes her blankets back. A yawn slips past her lips while her head settles in her warm palms, trying to wake herself fully before she grabs her phone to answer it.

"Elhora." Blinking at the sultry voice belonging to her older sister, Elhora looks around her dim bedroom for the neon light displaying the time. "Why do you call me at such weird hours?"

"You know us amazing Cunningham woman have weird sleeping patterns. I called to see how you're doing. My intuition has been sending me weird signals for the last two weeks. I had a premonition and you fell off this tall building." Elhora combs her fingers through her hair, lost for words. It always gave her chills at how accurate some of her sister's promotions were.

She talked so highly about being blessed with the gift of sight from the great divine. Elhora figured that she spoke in that way to seem cool until she herself experienced that same gift. Unfortunately, that only resulted in a mental breakdown followed by two days of being locked away in her bedroom. "What is going on Ellie, do I need to drive home?"

"No you don't. I'm doing fine so can I please get some sleep for once?" She pleas, voice vulnerable and barely above a whisper. She sighs then lays back in her comfortable bed.

"I know when you speak lies from those lips of yours... It's like poison to my own ears." Elhora places her phone beside her and shuts her eyes, letting her sister's enchanting voice guide her to the door of sleep where she meets the dream genie who guides her down the road leading her to a peaceful night's rest. 

"Are you listening to me- she's fallen asleep, great!" Eclipsa utters on the other end in disbelief before disconnecting their call.


Elhora reaches for her phone as the annoying alarm she had forgotten to turn off blares through her bedroom. She groans and pulls she being up, green eyes glancing around her bedroom that's light was provided by the sun's warm and loving rays.

"The sun is high in the sky, so today should be good." She tells herself while her bare feet touch the wooden flooring of her bedroom. She saunters down the hall to her bathroom and starts off with her morning routine that consisted of a steaming hot shower followed by five minutes of positive affirmations in front of her mirror.

Now ready for the day, she searches through her closet for something to wear that went with the San Francisco weather. Although the sun was making his grand appearance after being hidden for nearly two weeks, it was very much still winter and freezing outside which left Elhora to settle for a pair of jeans topped with a thermal and pair of black leather boots.

Now seated in front of her vanity, she debates on applying makeup for the day. The bags underneath her green eyes screamed for her to conceal them but the many beauty marks and freckles along her face said otherwise leaving her to sit in deep thought until applying some moisturizer to make her flushed face seem bright and dewy. Mascara to draw attention to her hazel green eyes and just a bit of lip gloss to moisturize her uniquely shaped lips.

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