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Elhora looks across the cherry wood desk at big brown eyes behind a pair of rectangular glasses then out the nearby window

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Elhora looks across the cherry wood desk at big brown eyes behind a pair of rectangular glasses then out the nearby window. Seven days had passed since her last attempt and officially three since being released from a 51/50 hold.

The hold normally lasted three days yet she was forced to stay for an additional day just to make sure that she was no longer a danger to herself or others for that matter. If you let her tell it, she was not a danger to herself at all; her actions were motivated through love in her eyes.

She loved herself far too much to sit and continue to suffer so ending it all by her own hands seemed like the best option. When asked, she couldn't quite explain her reasoning enough for anyone to understand, no matter how many people she sat down in front of and poured her heart out to.  They just couldn't see things the way she did so what was to point of forcing it?

"How are you feeling today, Miss Cunningham?" Elhora breaks her stare from the gloomy sky above and beautiful green, rich trees outside and meets brown eyes once more.

"I'm tired." She sits up in her seat and lets out a fake yawn before placing her head in her open palm. Her therapist nods with tucked lips and looks down at her open file in front of her, listing off a detailed description of her recent attempt. "Would you like to talk about what happened that night on the Golden Gate Bridge?" She asks softly, interlocking her fingers in front of her.

Elhora shrugs her petite shoulders and looks around her quiet office that surprisingly gave a homey touch to it. From the loveseat tucked away to the far left followed by the small daybed near her open window and the personal bistro behind her. "You wouldn't care if I did." Elhora utters. There was no point in speaking her truth when all it would do was fall upon deaf ears like they had been for the last eight years.

Every-time she was given the opportunity to state how she really felt it were as if everyone around her had put her on mute. She was very much visible to the human eye but once her lips began to move, her words seem to disappear, tossed to the side like an old toy after receiving a brand new, shinier and better one.

"Do I have to?" Her green eyes return to the towering trees outside as she thinks about her warm spacious bed she was in dire need of. Sleeping off the unsettling thoughts and feelings residing in her head was always the remedy.

"You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with but,"

There it is!

That famous word that just rejects whatever is said prior.

"I find it in your best interest that you do." Elhora sighs and nods knowing that the sooner she talked, that sooner she'd be able to get home, climb in her bed and let her thick blankets swallow her up until she felt the need to resurface.

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