To Be Better Writer Than Strategist

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Oof... yeah, with the last chapter, I've made myself another big plot to solve. And don't get me wrong, I like it... But as a writer who struggles with writing and capturing the right emotions, it is like digging myself a grave lol

anyways, I hope you like it too and don't feel like we are just moving in the circles.


"And it can also give us an advantage for our future moves in the plan." You thought out loud. Kohaku led the way right up to the two dutyful guards, keeping an eye on the bridge between this outside world and their village. "Now that our biggest threat thinks that he is unstoppable once again, we have the advantage of a moment of surprise."

Kohaku scoffed with a proud grin. "I like your thinking, (Y/n), but, no offence, Senku, science won't be the only thing needed in this fight." Senku just shrugged, not saying anything more as two dutyful guards went into an instant halt upon seeing Kingdom of Science. Kohaku (as a determined lioness she is) took the direction of the situation into her hands. Dunno if that was a good idea, though.

"Kinro. Ginro." She spoke with power and confidence that can be either admireable or as for the two brothers, intimidating. "A question for the two of you..."

"What do you think of my big sister, Ruri? Would you like to marry her?" She asked so nonchalantly that you aren't even surprised that the two boys are frozen in a shock. Yet out of the two, Ginro was the first to speak... More like nervously rumble about how pretty she is, and his dirty mind just made up sentences freerly. Luckily, his older brother, Kinro, stopped him: "She's more than just a face. Or are women's looks all you're concerened with? You disgust me, Ginro." The blonde boy looked at his brother almost offended. "What the heck?! I also mentioned her boobs... I mean, her ladylike refinement." Only after giving him a well deserved glare, Kinro turned back to you. "My answer is simple! "Guards don't engage in discussion." Rules are Rules..." Kinro took a moment of silence, making you actually nervous about the possibility that there's still hope. "But if we're just chatting casually here... It's not exactly breaking rules." Yeah! There's hope.

The brunette boy took a deep breath. "I get it already. That these outsiders are not the bad guys." A small smile formed on your face, his words more than welcoming. Kohaku also took a moment of silence, her next words holding genuineness that only a love of a sister can form. "We're trying to save my big sister's life."


And what did you expect? Of course, they joined the Kingdom of Science... "I at least hope that they won't change their minds while Kohaku tries to whip them into shape." You smirk to yourself, halfly not even expecting an answer from the Science boy. The two of you, along with Suika, are in the forest not too far from your headquarters, collecting some dry branches. Your senses warning you that it will have to do something with the torture device you've helped to build in the past. The melting furnace, in other words. "Their loyalty for their priestess is enough to not leave." Senku spoke matter of factly. "Yeah, you're right." You say dryly, but your words were followed just by the awkward silence.

"Is this enough?" You ask after a while, overthinking whether to even speak. Senku just gave you some simple answer of agreement.

"Senku! (Y/n)! Suika can not hold no more branches." Came a small cry from behind you. With a small sigh, you turn around only to see Suika holding too many branches for her to hold for much longer. You quickly rush and take some weight off of her already giving her an earful about knowing the limits, followed by more sobs about wanting to be useful, so at the end you and up comforting her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now