There's difference between Bad and Baaa(a)d

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Chrome led y'all outside of the village territory to his house? Why aren't you with others?

"Oh! Hold on! Just wait right here!!" he stopped you and before one of you could react he dashed to his hut. The five of you stood there, left with nothing, but small dust from Chrome's running. Literal F1 of this stone world.

He came back with hands full with wood for the fire, which he then created. Senku sat down on ground, uninterest painted across his face. "Behold! My baaad sorcery!" Chrome shouted with determination. "Rainbow bridge! Watch as I... Manipulate fire!!" He then took something out of his bag and tossed it onto a fire.

"The flames..." he hesitated for a moment,"Turned yellow!" Then he tossed something else while Ginro exclaimed loud: "How?! Another change!"

"Blue... No, green?!" Chrome corrected himself in the process. "Purple!!" was the last colour. "Amazing!" Ginro praised. "What a sorcery!!" Kohaku exclaimed. You know this trick, but at the same time you quietly, too, admired... Unlike Senku:

"Rainbow bridge? What a buncha crap. It's just a series of flame reaction. Salt. Cooper. Sulfur. You tossed those in, in that order." He stood up and folded his arms while walking closer to fire. "Where'd you get the copper? Copper sulfate, I'm guessing? You wouldn't know to call it that probably. You snatched some blue crystals out of a cave, right?" he asked, looking bothered with the fact that this show, this battle is too primitive that it became a waste of time. Chrome gained your recognition 'cause even though his opponent made fun of his sorcery, he still remained in a poker face... "Oh, well done! My sorcery was, well... You better not be thinking it was just a big bluff!" he immediately tried to save his skin from exposing.

"Hang on. I'll be right back... With a baaad thing that'll really put the hurt on you! It's seriously gonna be bad this time!!" he shouted while running back to his 14m high hut.

Coming back you could see him furiously rubbing some kind of ball in his hands. After some - for him - exhausting time, he tried to catch his breath while pointing at Ginro. There's a small lightning and in that moment you knew what he did. "Wahh! That hurt! What the heck is that attack?!" poor Ginro shouted in confusion.

"What is it? I only know that trampolines and balloons can do it," you said, not thinking about your pride. Senku sighed and snatched the ball from Chrome's hands. "A ball of sulfur? Heh heh heh... Why rub with your hands when leather will produce 10billion times more power?"he tossed his science flag into your arms while saying it. You looked at him with puzzled look, asking if he wants to die now or now. He grabbed the flag and left the stick in a safe place of your hands while trying not to look at you, because even with his lack of fantasy he could imagine your scornful look, which if he looked at he wouldn't be able to look away. Then he rolled the ball in the leather and, oh my... "Senku's hair is all standing up," Ginro exclaimed while Chrome's being electrocuted. "Even though it stood even before..."

Senku then threw the ball behind and luckily for Chrome, Kohaku and Ginro caught it. "What is this? Baby's first science experiments? You primitive bunch of-" he couldn't finish because you suddenly bonked him with the stick he gave you. "Don't you even dare to say it," you warned while he rubbed the place you hit him. "What do you expect me to say?" he asked with angry look. You slowly turned around as if he just purposed his death wish. "I can only imagine you being the same. Just... Try to remember the excitement for knowledge and form something. I know you have questions yourself~" you smirked with the last sentence.

And you were right. Senku looked on a ground for a moment and thought about those times, when Byakuya supported his desires and when he used to wish you would one day do the same. What a shame he now has other things to deal with and not just desire to understand his new writer friend.

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now