Heeseung - Secret Admirer 2

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Here you are once again, sitting in your usual coffee shop but this time someone else was sitting with you

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Here you are once again, sitting in your usual coffee shop but this time someone else was sitting with you. After yesterday you were left feeling curious about the man, who was now staring at you as you were in lost thought.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to space out." You apologized.

"Don't worry about it, I like watching you." His words hit you right in the gut. Sir, stop that immediately. You weren't sure how much flirting you could handle.

"You're gonna give me a heart attack," you whispered before speaking up, "So besides coming here that's all I really know about you..."

"I don't where to start. I was a trainee for a while then I decided to go to school instead. I come here every morning before I go to the university that's down the road." He explained.

"Oh that's cool. You definitely have the looks to be an idol. What is your major?" You smiled at the man.

"I've been interested in music for a while so I'm studying music theory. What about you? I know you're always on your computer working." He pointed to the book bag you had sitting on the ground by your chair.

"Oh yeah! I work for a website designing company so I mostly do things from home. It's kinda nice to get out so I've been coming here in the mornings." He listened intently as you spoke.

For the next hour the two of you talked about all sorts of things like your interests and hobbies. You had a lot more in common with him then you thought.

"You know, I didn't think you would be so... chill I guess?" You spoke freely.

"What!? I'm the chillest person ever." He furrowed his brows, giving you a questioning look.

You couldn't help but laugh at the man, "I guess my first impression was that you were all high and mighty or something. The way you smiled at those people who tried to talk to you just looked so fake."

"Well I guess it was fake. I don't like having to tell people no so I always just change the subject so they don't get mad." He gave you a slightly pouty face. His cute side really knew how to make you fall for him.

"Now that I've talked to you, that makes a lot of sense. You're too nice for your own good." You joked, making a smirk appear on his face.

"I'm nice but trust me, I'm not always like that." His voice got a bit lower. Your eyes widened a bit. What exactly did he mean by that? And what is that face for?

"Give me an example?" You questioned. He got up and walked over to your chair. He leaned over close to your ear before speaking.

"I could tell you to shut up and come to my place right now." His words shocked the hell out of you. All you could do was sit there in shock as you waited for him to go back to his seat.

Before you could even respond he started laughing hysterically, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"I can't believe you just did that." You reached over to hit his arm.

"Sorry, sorry. I thought of it on the spot and it was too good to not say." He smiled, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack. The duality is seriously insane." You rolled your eyes.

"A devil in disguise, some might say." He continued to joke, laughing again at himself.

"You're so dumb." You said, laughing as well.

After that he had to go to class so you decided to walk him outside.

"That was really fun, I enjoyed talking with you." You smiled up at him.

"I'd like to see you again, but on a real date. How about Friday?" He asked, matching your expression.

"I would love that." You replied.

"I'll text you, one last thing." He spoke while grabbing your hands. Slowly he leaned a bit closer. "Can I kiss you?" His words sounded like velvet.

You nodded your head. He released one of his hands to push your hair behind your ear. His face inched closer to yours until your lips met. It was a soft, gentle kiss that lasted for what felt like eternity. Finally he let go, smiling as he looked into your eyes.

"I'll see you soon." He said while stepping back. Your hands were still interlaced as he reluctantly let go. You just giggled, waving as he walked away.

Until next time.

Authors note -
Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for reading my stories! 

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