Sunghoon - Jealousy

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Imagine you are hanging out with your boyfriend today

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Imagine you are hanging out with your boyfriend today. You guys are just chillin at his dorm and everyone decided to order food. Usually you stay in his room but the guys insisted you eat with them.

You were kinda excited to get a chance to hang out with everyone. Sunghoon is always corralling you to the room before you can even say hi. Although you definitely don't mind the alone time, you'd like to get to know his friends a little better.

When the food arrived, you dragged Sunghoon out to sit with everyone. He tried to grab the bag and run but Niki held onto the back of his shirt.

"Hyung, you're not getting away this time." The younger man scolded.

"You've dodged us like 5 times already. We just want to eat together, that's all dude." Jay insisted.

The icy man finally obeyed, taking a seat next to you at the table. You just giggled seeing his cute little pouty face.

"Why do you guys always make me do shit? I just want peace." The man in question finally spoke.

"I for one am excited. You never let me talk to them." You nudged him with your elbow.

He whispered to you, "There's a reason for that."

"Just shush." You whispered back.

After everyone else got settled in, you guys broke out the food. The guys got to talking and you just sat happily listening to them banter while you ate.

"That movie we watched last night was so stupid. The main character died at the end anyway so what even was the point." Jake started.

"I know right. What hero movie ends with the hero dying?" Niki added.

"I heard the actor got killed off because they didn't want to make a sequel." Heeseung said, searching away on his phone.

"What movie was it?" You asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Cyborg City." Jay replied.

"Ooh that movie sucked. The villain was too op, the hero didn't stand a chance." You said, making them look in shock.

"That's exactly what I thought." Niki agreed.

"He wasn't even a likable person either, no redeeming qualities at all." You continued. A few of the guys nodded their heads in agreement.

"We need to hang out more often. You totally fit in." Jungwon gave you a genuine look.

"Absolutely not." Sunghoon, who was seething beside you, finally added his two sense.

"Why not? We are all getting along." Sunoo pouted at his words.

"Because." His reply of course explained nothing.

"That is not an answer Hoon." Sunoo rolled his eyes at the older man.

"He's just scared we will get too close and steal a certain someone away." The oldest piped up, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Shut up. I'm not scared of that. None of you could ever take anything away from me." Sunghoon spoke confidently.

"Wanna bet?" Jake smirked at his friend.

"How much do you want to lose?" Sunghoon snapped back.

Suddenly, you busted out laughing. After a minute you caught your breath.

"I know just the thing." You started, gaining everyone's focus. "His penguin plushy. He loves that thing more than me."

"Oh I'm taking it." Niki stood up quickly, running towards Sunghoons room.

"Like hell you are! Get back here!" The man next to you flew faster than the speed of light.

"I told you." You shrugged to the remaining guys who just laughed in response.

When the chaos died down, everyone returned to the table. You guys chatted a bit more about life and music. It was hard not to notice your boyfriend's sharp gaze focused on you everytime someone talked to you though. He reached over to your hand, holding it tightly under the table for the rest of the meal.

"Hoon really is hogging you all to himself isn't he. We should start doing dinners like this whenever you come over." Sunoo suggested, giving you a warm smile.

"Not a chance. In fact, this is the last time." Sunghoon furrowed his brows, gripping your hand tighter.

"Aw come on Hoonie! I like hanging out with everyone." You gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes you could. Seeing him get all embarrassed was so cute.

"Stop that. I'm not budging, now we're going back to my room." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh so this is how he acts around his lover." Jungwon emphasized the last word.

"I wonder what you guys are up to in that room. He wants to get back there so bad huh." Heeseung raised a brow at Sunghoon. His face turned completely red. That definitely gave away way too much, now you were getting a little embarrassed.

"Holy shit. I see you." Jake winked over at the two of you.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm going to delete all your pictures of Layla." The death glare your boyfriend just gave could actually kill. He turned to Heeseung, "And I'm throwing away your new basketball shoes."

"Damn he got you guys there." Jay shrugged.

"You're no fun man. We were just kidding." Jake sighed, making Sunghoon even more annoyed.

"If you are done with your jokes, we're leaving. See you at practice tomorrow, goodnight." With that your boyfriend dragged you away.

"Goodnight! And don't be too loud tonight, my room is next door ya know." Jake spoke, sticking his tongue out at Sunghoon.

"At least I have someone to make noise with." Sunghoon rolled his eyes at his friend.

Once you were back in the room you started punching him on the arm.

"You are so embarrassing. Why would you say that?" You said, pouting at his actions.

"Well I had to. You don't know how those guys are." He complained.

"Yeah yeah. We won't be doing anything to even make noise at this rate." You squint your eyes, annoyed.

"But-" The tall man started.

"No buts. You better start making it up to me or else." You crossed your arms dramatically.

"Fine." He sighed.

"That's what I like to hear. Seeing you all jealous was new." You teased, sitting down on his bed.

"I was not jealous." He argued as he came to sit next to you.

"Oh yes you were. It was so cute, your little angry face." You responded, playfully pinching his cheek. He grabbed your wrist tightly.

"Was not. I'm not cute, I'm handsome." He gave you an annoyed look.

"Cute and handsome. That's why I love you." Leaning in, you gave him a peak where you had just pinched.

"So annoying." He started, rolling his eyes. "I love you too." He finally gave in.

"Of course you do." You pulled him by his collar. "Let's make a bet of our own. Whoever makes a sound first loses."

"You'll definitely lose." His hand was still around your wrist, pulling you down on the bed underneath him.

"I'm not so sure about that." You smirked.

The boys unknowingly gave you and Sunghoon a fun little game to play tonight.

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