Heeseung - Secret Admirer

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Imagine you're at your usual coffee shop in the morning

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Imagine you're at your usual coffee shop in the morning. As you sit down to start your work on your laptop, right on que he enters. Like usual the boy you've been secretly watching comes in and gets his coffee. He always sits a few tables in front of you, making it hard for you to not stare.

You unintentionally overheard the barista call out "Heeseung" once so now you have a name to call the man. The reason you first started watching him was because multiple people go up to him everyday. It became a little game for you, each day you tried to guess how many would stop and talk to him.

Today, like usual, a group of girls stopped at his table. You could see them giggling then eventually going their separate ways.

He really was incredibly attractive, no wonder so many people wanted to talk to him. For you the simple act of watching was enough.

After doing some work, you looked up to see that he was gone. You must have been so preoccupied you didn't even notice him leave. Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder, making your body jolt. Whipping your head around, you almost choked on air.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but do you have a minute to talk?" His voice was angelic as he spoke.

"Uh well yeah. Please sit." You offered him a seat. Somehow the man you'd been watching was now sitting in front of you wanting to talk? What the hell is going on?

"So, I know this might sound weird but I noticed you're always in this coffee shop. After I saw you, it kinda became my habit to come here and watch you work... I promise I'm not a weirdo, I just thought that you seem to be very diligent about working so I wanted to finally come talk to you. I hope you don't think that's strange." He spoke while scratching the back of his neck. From this close all you could focus on was how handsome he really was.

"I've kinda been watching you too... It was funny to see how many people would stop at your table everyday." You kind of awkwardly laughed.

He smiled widely, almost taking you out. How can someone have such an attractive smile?

"That's kind of a relief! You don't know how worried I was when I came over here. I've been wanting to talk to you for a while." He continued, making your heart jump a bit. You kinda just stared at him for a second, not sure what to say. "Oh by the way, my name's Heeseung." He smiled again. It felt like he was shooting a bullet through you every time he did that.

You told him your name, "I'm still so surprised you were watching me. I didn't think I did anything interesting while working." You pondered.

"It's not anything bad, you just make these expressions when you're concentrating. It made me laugh." He looked over, avoiding eye contact. You weren't sure if you should laugh it off or curl inside yourself from embarrassment.

"Do I really do that? I had no idea." You cupped your cheeks.

"Its cute though." His face got a little flushed, making you want to run. No way this guy actually just said that. You were flattered, but this is so crazy. "Anyways, I wanted to ask for your number?" He continued, making your jaw almost hit the floor.

"You sure you want my number? You don't have a partner?" You asked the man.

"I'm sure! I don't have anyone like that, that's why I'm asking you." He laughed at your confusion.

"I mean of course you can have my number, I'm just surprised. You are way too attractive to be single." Oops, you might have accidentally let that slip.

His expression kind of turned into one that was a bit more alluring. The once cute smile turned into a smirk as he leaned towards you over the table.

"That's what I'm hoping we can fix together. Sound like a plan?" He whispered, sending shivers through your body. Damn, what is this duality?

"I- yes." Was all you could manage to say. This side of him already had you wrapped around his finger.

"I'm glad we could figure things out." He smiled once again. He handed his phone to you and you entered your info, unable to say another word. "Thanks! I'll look forward to seeing you again. I've got to get to work but I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he stood up.

He waved, making you follow suit although you were left with so many questions.

To be continued ~

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