Jay - Dinner for 2

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Warning extremely sappy 🫶

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Warning extremely sappy 🫶

Imagine you're rushing to grab all your things together. Your boyfriend made reservations at one of his favorite restaurants but you both are running so behind. His work day ran late and you were busy right up until about 30 minutes before you were supposed to leave.

While you were throwing on clothes, Jay was just getting out of the shower. He put on his clothes just as fast. One last look in the mirror and the two of you were ready. You hopped into the car with him driving.

"I thought for sure we weren't going to make it." You sighed, running a hand through your hair.

"I don't think I've ever gotten ready that fast." He huffed out, turning the music on the radio down.

You peered over at him. His hair was slicked back and his sunglasses sat perfectly on his face. Even his outfit looked nicely put together.

"And you still look hot. That's a skill honestly." You rolled your eyes.

He started laughing, "I try my best for you." Sending you a wink before focusing back on the road.

"So humble." You joked, making the man laugh harder.

Just then he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, luckily there was on open spot close to the front entrance.

"Alright let's go." He spoke as he turned the car off. The two of you got out in unison. You adjusted your clothes before heading on to the sidewalk where Jay was already standing. He held his hand out for you to take and you gladly embraced it. His hands were so big and warm, it made you feel safe.

As the two of you walked in, Jay pushed his glasses up over his hair. It made him look so expensive and mature. If only you could do a photo shoot right now. The host led you both away, as you were lost in thought thinking about all the angles you could take pictures of him.

When you reached the table, it was back in the corner near a shaded window. As the sun started slowly setting, it added to the sultry ambience. Jay always picked places with incredible atmospheres.

The two of you were seated across from one another, giving you an even better look at the man. Damn was he fine. Everything about him made your heart jump, even after being with him all this time.

"I really recommend this dish, it pairs well with this wine." Jay spoke, pointing to something on the menu.

"You lead the way, I always like what you pick." You smiled at him, taking in the way he gently studied the menu once more. Like he had to take in every option to make sure you were getting the best one. The thought he put into it was invigorating to watch.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said, snapping out of your daze.

"I love watching you." You rested your head on your fist.

"You're not a stalker are you?" He gave you a shocked look.

"Oh no, how'd you figure it out?" You put your hand over your open mouth.

"I'm just that good." He shrugged, making you giggle.

"I could watch you all day. I even follow you home sometimes." You raised an eyebrow at the man.

"We really do have a stalker on our hands. I might just have to call the cops on you." He made a disappointed face.

"I'll just have to try harder to hide it." You smiled brightly at him, making him laugh.

"I think you might have a stalker too." He looked off to the side, out the window.

"Oh maybe we can be stalkers together?" You pretended to be shocked.

He turned back, giving you the most loving smile ever, "I'd like that."

The waiter stopped to take your order and not long after that your food arrived. Jay started talking about how excited he was to have the next couple days off. You just listened to him ramble on about all the things he wanted to do with you. It was nice hearing him get so excited, with his busy schedule the two of you rarely got nights out like this. Of course you told him all about your day and even though it wasn't very interesting, he listened intently.

After dessert, the two of you left the restaurant hand in hand. Jay opened the car door for you, even though you insisted he didn't have to do that. When you both got inside, you pulled the man over to you. You placed a kiss on his lips, slowly pulling away.

"Thank you for tonight. I love going out with you." You smiled, seeing his face light up.

"I love taking you." He matched your expression. He began driving you home and the whole way all you could think about was how excited you were to get to spend the next couple of days with him.

You made it home, taking your shoes off and settling on the couch. Jay sat next to you, snuggling close while switching the tv on.

"I feel like an old married couple." You realized as you snuggled up closer to him.

"One day we will be." He spoke casually, making you blush.

"You are such a romantic. At least propose to me first." You joked, looking up at him. He had this smile plastered on his face.

"Ok, I will." He looked down at you. Your heart about jumped out of your chest. Slowly he leaned in, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I already know I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else."

"You are so cheesy, oh my god." You looked back toward the tv, trying to hide your excitement. He just laughed, focusing back on finding a show.

This man was something that's for damn sure.

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