"I'm not ready though, I still need to-"

"You need to stop and rest and the only way that you are going to do that is if we go away for a few days" she said softly as she look a few steps toward me and rested her hand on my growing bump.

"I don't want to go anywhere"

"We won't go far, maybe just down the coast to that new hotel you wanted to try?"

"I don't want to leave Barcelona, what if I go into labor while we are away and we are miles away from the hospital and our doctor" I started to panic, my anxiety about the situation bubbling over.

"Shhh- come here- We don't have to leave town, but please let me organize something so that you can have a rest"

"Ok" I agreed reluctantly, resting my head in the crook of her neck as she held me close.

The next morning we packed our bags into the car and left the house with Nala sitting happily on the back seat. I had expected to be booked into a local hotel or an air bnb, but instead we pulled into Eli's driveway where my mother in law was waving happily from the doorway.

"I thought Nala was coming with us?" I asked as Ale climbed out of the driver's seat and collected Nala from behind us.

"She is, we're going to stay with Mama for the weekend"

"We are?!"

"If you're ok with that? I just thought that we haven't seen her much recently and she's so excited about becoming an abuela... it will be good for all of us to spend some time together before the baby arrives. Plus, I know that you'll listen to her when she tells you to sit down and rest"

"I love you"

"It's a good job really, because you are carrying my baby"

"This bed feels like heaven... can we just stay here all weekend?" I sighed as collapsed backwards onto the hotel room bed.

Ale was stood at the foot of the bed watching me with a smile spread across her face.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked as I lifted my head slightly to look at her.

"My beautiful wife"

"Is she here? Because I just feel like an exhausted mother who needs to sleep for the next three days"

"You always look beautiful"


Ale nodded. "Mmmhmm"
"Do you know when you looked the most beautiful to me?"

"No" I smiled, my cheeks flushing not only due to her compliments, but also that living way that she was looking at me.

"When Jordi was placed onto your chest straight after he was born..."

"I looked awful... I hadn't slept properly in months, my face was swollen and I had just spent 10 hours in labour. I was a sweaty mess"

"You looked perfect then and you still look perfect now"

"Are you going to join me on this giant bed or just stand there being soppy" I joked, sitting up and reaching out for Ale's hand.

"I mean it Isy... you might not always feel it, but you are perfect. You're the best Mami to Jordi and the best wife I could have ever asked for"

"Well I'm glad to hear it, because I'm the only wife you've got"

"You really can't take a compliment can you?" She laughed slightly, shaking her head in disbelief.

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