Camp Half-Blood- The Sequel

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Standing there at the centre of the senate building, the Romans finally stood up, (Y/N) excusing himself as the two leaders resumed their positions. With everyone's eyes on him, he felt a little nervous to say the least. He was supposed to be a great and powerful figure in the eyes of the Romans, not some coward afraid to speak in front of their senate. 

"So, (Y/N) (L/N), welcome to Camp Jupiter!" said one of the demigods before him. One was male, another was female. The male was speaking. "You are currently in the Pomerian Line, so I am sorry but we do require you to set aside your weapons." 

Next to him a white marble statue—a life-size muscular man with curly hair, no arms, and an irritated expression- appeared. 

"Terminus, god of boundaries," introduced the male.

"Yes, that's right!"said the statue. "And (Y/N) (L/N), finally back I see! I expect you to be following the rules of Rome more so than anyone else!"

A little girl, no older than six, ran up to the side of Terminus. She had pigtails, a green dress, and an impish grin with a missing tooth. With her she carried a tray, various items like a few corkscrews, swiss army knives and water bottles sat in it. Taking his weapons from his sides, he stood confused for a second with how his weapons were going to fit. Then, they shook in his hands, Angelo transforming into a syringe and Nightshade a stethoscope. Placing both in the tray, it satisfied the little girl who ran off. Terminus looked at him judgmentally. 

"I expect no more incidents like this, son of Aesculapius." With that, the statue popped out of sight, probably to bother some other innocent soul. 

"Now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Abel, son of Arcus and praetor of New Rome." He was tall and stood with unwavering confidence, seeming to be ethnic German with blonde hair and fair skin. What stood out about him though was his eyes; they seemed to change colour every few seconds. Explainable with his parentage, Arcus being the Roman version of the Greek Iris.

"I'm Ella, daughter of Venus and co-praetor of New Rome. It's a great honour to be hosting you." She was Hispanic, darker hair and skin than Abel with eyes tinted pink. Shorter than her co-praetor, her mothers genetics had been generous.

"Well, it was an unexpected arrival either way, so I guess that's the meeting over. Everyone, return to your posts, jobs, training etcetera, we'll be taking (Y/N) (L/N) on a little tour."

With that the meeting disbanded and he was led out of the senate building. He collected his weapons in their new forms and slipped the syringe into his pocket and stethoscope around his neck. New Rome was peaceful, orderly. A complete opposite to the camp half-blood he had grown to love. The armour on his chest, sandals underfoot and helmet still in his arm felt natural though, as if he had slipped into the body of another. He felt a little more dignified as well. The praetors walked either side of him, and despite being similar age, he towered over them. Was what Zeus said right? Was he more god than demi-god? 

The tour however was wonderful. A fully functioning city with over two thousand inhabitants according to Abel. Everyone had a job, a role in society. There were no homeless, none starving or left hungry. The buildings were made of white marble with red-tiled roofs various townhouses and shops along with a forum studded with statues and columns, and smaller versions of the and Circus Maximus and the Coliseum. It was beautifully designed, something he knew Annabeth would appreciate. The Forum had statues, columns, fountains and trellises shaded with grape vines, a general gathering place for the citizens. As he walked around, he beat a son of Hephaes- Vulcan at chess, consumed a few tasty honey cakes (free of charge), and even talked with a few of the senior citizens. According to Ella, mandatory service was ten years in the legion, but then afterwards retirement in the mid-twenties would include free education and housing for demi-gods and their families. That was another contrast to Camp Half-Blood, people actually grew up here. Not many Greeks made it to adulthood, let alone had the ability to begin normal families and lives. But generations of Romans living in this camp? Unheard of but a dream come true. Another surprise from Ella was that quite a few citizens weren't demi-gods, but legacies. Legacies were descended from demi-gods, not quite as powerful but still more so than mortals. Leaving the boundaries of the city, they hiked up a hill to where more feats of Roman architecture stood.

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