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Two week later...

Crosscourt gym:

Asaad: Where is Zac? I haven't seen him in a minute.

Montez: He's probably home with Fatima. You know they are trying to get all of the alone time they can before the babies come.

Asaad: That is right.

Montez's ringtone starts playing.

Montez: Speaking of the devil. We were just talking about you.

Zac: Montez I need your help.

Montez: With what?

Zac: I need to get out of this house.

Montez: What's going on?

Zac: Bro ever since we got back from Greece, I have been like Zac the fucking builder. Every time I finish one thing, here comes Fatima with something else for me to do. She bought a big ass 12 thousand dollar couch and asked me to build it.

Montez: Why did you have to build it? Shit with that price, they should have built it for you.

Zac: That's what I said. When I asked her about it, she said she opted out of that because it was an extra 20 to 50 dollar charge. Then she had the nerve to say she was trying to save me money like she didn't just spend 50 thousand on redecorating the whole house.

Montez: (laughs) Damn

Zac: It's not funny. It's like she doesn't know I just got done doing a 30 city tour for the past three months.

Montez: Just tell her you are tired and you're not doing nothing else until you get a break.

Zac: Are you crazy? Have you ever had to deal with a woman who is almost 9 months pregnant?

Montez: Being as though my only child is adopted. I'm gonna say no.

Zac: Be glad you haven't. Her back hurts and her feet are swollen. Plus the boys got her hormones all over the place, so the mood swings are coming like crazy.

Montez: Bro you're over exaggerating.

Zac: I'm not. Before kyra came over yesterday, Fatima asked her to bring her some food from McDonalds. Kyra being the nice sister she is, she says yes. She goes to get the food and comes to the house. Out of nowhere I hear Fatima just starts crying. I run downstairs like what happened? They said McDonald's forgot to put pickles on her burger. Then what made her start crying harder was the fact that McDonald's ice cream machine was down, so she couldn't get her Oreo McFlurry. Kyra tried to console her, but that just pissed her off and she started snapping on Kyra. I wanted to say something but I didn't.

Montez: That's fucked up. Why would you do Kyra like that?

Zac: Listen Kyra has a choice to leave or to stay. I don't, so I had to put me first.

Fatima: ZAC

Zac: Oh shit

Montez: What? Zac? Zac?

Montez took the phone from his ear to check and see if the call ended. When he noticed it didn't he put it back up to his ear.

Montez: Yo Zac you there?

Zac: Hello. yeah I'm here. My fault I thought she found my hiding spot.

Montez: Bro where are you hiding?

Zac: Why? What are you trying to tell her where I am?

Montez: No I just wanna know where my grown ass friend is hiding in his own house.

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