015 - Stay Away From Me

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Once Nabi got settled into Johnny's room for the evening she changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white crop top.

She sat down on the bed and she sighed once she heard knocking. She didn't wanna get back up because she just sat down.

She stood up and walked over to the door and she opened it, there stood Yuta and he smiled.


"I was asked to keep you company for a while"

Yuta said and rubbed the back of his head like he was a bit shy. Nabi hummed and opened the door wide enough for Yuta to get in.

Yuta bowed his head before he came inside and he looked around the room.

"I always forget how nice and tidy Johnny Hyung keeps his room"

Yuta said as he walked over to the bed he sat down and looked at Nabi who peered around the hall before shutting the door and locking it.

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me?"

Nabi asked and Yuta nodded.

"I'm always one for movies"

She smiled and went, getting comfy on the bed with Yuta. She grabbed the remote and she put on a romantic movie because she was always into that cliché stuff.

"This is a really good movie, I can't tell you how many times I've gone back and watched it"

Yuta said and Nabi looked at him with wide eyes.

"You too?? I love this movie!"

Yuta looked at her and shined his smile.

"We got something in common then"

Yuta said as he and Nabi both turned their attention back to the movie.

As the movie went on, the two sat, talked, and laughed like they were lifelong friends. Yuta eventually turned his full attention to Nabi.

"So you went to the same high-school the Dream squad went to?"

Nabi hummed and nodded a bit.

"I believe I did... I think I saw Jeno and Chenle once or twice but then they just disappeared... assuming they got locked up"

Yuta nodded and gave her a soft smile.

"Feel lucky that you never ended up like us, locked up and beaten for information... hey, you know what I could do?"

Nabi tilted her head and turned onto her side to face Yuta who had a bright idea.

"If you ever go out on your own again, you'll need to know how to shoot a gun"

Nabi smiled a bit and chuckled.

"You guys have a shooting range?"

Yuta nodded and paused the movie before he stood up.

"Let's go now while it's late and not a lot people will be there"

Nabi stood up and followed Yuta to where was indeed a shooting range.

She looked around, quite impressed. Yuta walked passed her and got a handgun and made sure it was loaded and safety was on until they were ready to shoot.

"Grab a pair of ear muffs and come here"

Yuta said as he put a pair on his head and walked over to the targets and Nabi followed after putting the the ear muffs on.

"I'll shoot it first to make sure it won't backfire"

Yuta said as he took the safety off and shot a target and smiled and looked at Nabi.

"It's safe"

Yuta motioned Nabi to come in front of him and he taught her to hold the gun and held his hands over hers as she pulled the trigger for the first time, barely missing.

"That was a good shot, you'll need a bit of practice but it'll be okay"

Yuta held the gun with her for a few more shots as another body entered the range.

It was Haechan. Haechan got a gun and he put earmuffs on and walked over to the far end and shot the gun, disrupting the other two.

Nabi looked over and Yuta immediately backed off of Nabi. Haechan looked over at her and froze. He lowered the gun and he pulled the ear muffs off his head.

Nabi did the same and she set the gun down.


"Stay away"

Nabi warned and Haechan put his hands up.and he walked a bit closer.

"Nabi please just-"

"I said stay away from me!"

Nabi yelled and she ran out of the range. Haechan looked at Yuta and he ran after Nabi.


Haechan demanded once he caught Nabi by Johnny's room, trying to open the door.

"Can we just talk!"

"Leave me alone!!"

She yelled as she ran inside and as Haechan went to stop her from closing it. He was a bit too late, slamming his fist on the door.


Haechan heard shuffling from inside the room and a vent opened. Nabi took her chance and she climbed into the vent and crawled through.

"Mother fucker!"

Haechan yelled and slammed his fist against the alarm, alerting the rest of the group that Nabi was trying to escape.

Haechan ran into the main lobby where Nabi got out of the vent and she saw Haechan for a split second and ran towards the exit.

"Where does she think she's going?!"

Taeyong yelled from behind Haechan and soon the rest of the members came out in a hurry.

Nabi flinched when she heard the door kick open and she screamed, trying to open the exit hatch and she finally did it.

She escaped.

She crawled out with car keys in her hand and she ran for the van.

Haechan ran up and saw her getting in the van. He ran and hopped on the back, just in time as she drove off but she slammed the breaks, knocking him backwards and she sped off.

"Shoot the tires!"

Jeno yelled out and guns were fired but it was too late.

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