004 - Feeling Faint

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Nabi watched as many boys ran back and forth, some sending others off.

Four males stepped out of the furthest office in the back.

"Look at her TY... she's beautiful just like I told you"

Johnny smirked as he leaned over to Taeyong watching the curious young girl get escorted to the four.

"The 4 Horsemen will take good care of you, don't worry"

WinWin said and pat Nabi's back, as he was about to walk away Jaehyun stopped him and whispered something inaudible.

WinWin looked at Jaehyun and nodded turning back around to look at them.

"Hello pretty one, I'm Lee Taeyong, you can call me Lee or TY as everyone else calls me here, please follow us"

Taeyong said, he looked at Taeil and nodded at him to be excused since he still had a lot of work to do.

Taeil nodded back and walked off, soon disappearing into the halls filled with people.

Nabi felt her anxiety rise as Taeyong waved off Yuta before they all started to walk back into the office.

WinWin grabbed Nabi's arm and sat her down by force on the other side of the table away from Taeyong who sat down on the other side which was behind his desk.

Johnny and Jaehyun had their arms crossed behind their backs while they both stood behind Taeyong.

They both had guns and knives strapped onto them.

WinWin stood behind her with a knife strapped onto his boot and one onto his belt.

He never carried a gun as for Taeyong... his gun and knife lay on the top of his desk.

"Say Lee Nabi... how do you feel about meeting NCT? The most dangerous criminals in all of Seoul?"

Nabi swallowed and looked at the other boys behind Taeyong for a moment.

They were both intimidating and she started to shake.

"U-Um... I-I'm not sure... I don't wanna die-"

Taeyong hummed before she could finish her sentence.

"Do you even know why you're here?"

"N-No... are you gonna kill me?"

Taeyong chuckled and shook his head.

"No, we kill for business, not for fun... we saved your life and in return... you don't leave"

Nabi's breath hitched and she looked down.

Her life was in danger?

She stood up quickly and backed up towards the door.

She started to panic and it caused the guys to flinch and pull out their guns at her sudden movement.

"Stand down, weapons down"

Taeyong raised his hand and the other two obeyed.

WinWin was the only one who wasn't affected by any of it as he watched it play out.

Taeyong walked over to Nabi and as he got closer to her she fainted, Taeyong caught her and grumbled.

"You guys know better! Get Jungwoo and all of you! Get out of my sight but WinWin, we need to talk"

WinWin nodded along with the other two.

Taeyong picked Nabi up and a few minutes later Jungwoo came into the office.

Taeyong just dropped her into his arms.

"Keep an eye on her for now, make sure she doesn't do something stupid"

Jungwoo nodded and looked at the girl then back at Taeyong.

"Sir, I just keep her locked in the infirmary?"

"Yes. Now go!"

Jungwoo scurried off to the infirmary getting odd looks for holding the girl.

Renjun stopped what he was doing on his computer, got up, and followed Jungwoo.

"What the fuck happened to her? There's only a cut on her cheek that isn't severe"

"Well Jun... she fainted cause of anxiety I think but I was ordered to keep her in the infirmary so I'm gonna stay with her so go back to work"

Jungwoo said and went into the infirmary.

He shut and locked the door leaving Renjun outside.

He laid her on a bed and sighed.

"Really pretty though... it's a shame... she would never date a criminal.."

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