011 - Making New Friends

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Taeyong looked at Nabi who seemed in awe at the place Taeyong grew up around.

"Go and eat"

He said and Nabi looked at him and flashed him a smile.

"You're such a sweetheart TY"

Nabi said and Taeyong turned on his heel, his back to her.

"When I want to be"

He said as he walked off, leaving Nabi in the canteen by herself.

At one singular table Johnny sat at with a cup of coffee and food in front of him with a book in his hands.

Nabi grabbed something to eat and... she felt like Johnny was a bit lonely so she decided to join him.

Johnny heard the seat move and he looked up and saw Nabi.

"What are you reading?"

Nabi asked and Johnny put his book mark in his book before closing it and he read out the title which was in English

"You said I was your favorite, by Monica Murphy"

Johnny said and looked at her, a blank stare, though... it spoke every word she needed to know.

Johnny was indefinitely grateful that Nabi joined him for lunch. He was starting to feel very lonely.

"I think I'll have to read it sometime... what do you guys do for fun around here?"

Nabi asked as she finally stopped picking at her food and Johnny cracked a soft smile.

"A lot of us wrestle and play fight... but we're also boys if you think about it so when we aren't working... we total idiots"

"Johnny!! My man! Hyung!"

A boy yelled out in English as he approached the table swiftly.

Johnny chuckled and he spoke up in English to the male.

"Where have you been Mark?"

"Oh, you know, helping out"

The boy named Mark shrugged and he sat back in his seat, setting his drink down.

"Iced coffee in the middle of Autumn?"

Nabi asked in English and Mark nodded.

"The best drink"

"You guys know what else is as good as coffee?"

Mark and Nabi turn their heads to Johnny who had a grin on his face.

"A coffee joke"

Mark has a shit eating grin starting to eat away at the corner of his lips.

Nabi smiled a bit and listened

"So my dad loves coffee and he loves beans... my dad dropped the bean, a rock fell... it slid... and water started falling, then coffee"

Mark inhale loudly and bursted out laughing with Nabi. Nabi knew right away that Mark was weak to the shit humor of Johnny.

"No bro!"

Mark slapped Johnny's shoulder over and over again while losing his breath from how hard he was laughing.

Johnny looked like a proud older brother who just made his younger brother piss himself. It was a happy sight for Nabi to see... she now knew they didn't just kill, cut and run, they loved each other like a family and treated each other like family.

Nabi finally caught her breathe and wheeze out softly

"Oh my god Johnny... where do you learn all of that?"

"Learn what?"

Johnny asked and Mark was basically dying from Johnny just speaking.

"I can say the word jokes and Mark is on the floor pissing himself"

Mark was struggling to contain his contagious laughter that was transferring over to Nabi who started giggling.

"I can see that..."

Nabi said and smiled softly towards Johnny.

The three managed to calm down and she finished her food while having a conversation full of laughter with Johnny and Mark. Maybe being in this place wasn't so bad after all.

"Yo bro! We gotta take her drinking with us one night!"

Mark suggested and Johnny agreed.

"I bet you're a fun person to be around when you're drunk Nabi"

Nabi nodded and she looked at the two before her phone went off. She checked it and saw a message from the Devil himself.


Haechan-Ah 👿 -
Where are you?

Nabi looked at Mark and Johnny before she stood up and she went around the table and hugged them both.

"I'll keep that suggestion in mind"

She said before she left and went to find Haechan. She went to Haechan's room and she opened the door to the boy himself huddled on his bed... having a meltdown.


Nabi asked and Haechan looked at her before quickly breaking eye contact.

She walked over and she sat in the bed beside Haechan and she reached for his hand in which he jerked away hesitantly.


Haechan said softly before he let his hand rest on Nabi's. He was having a rough moment and Nabi understood in silence.

The two sat like that for a while. Haechan calmed down eventually and he sat up at last. Nabi's thigh touched Haechan's and a wave of electricity sparked throughout her body.

She looked at Haechan with curious eyes.

"Do you wanna go get a drink..?"

Haechan asked and Nabi smiled and nodded in agreement.

"It'll ease both our nerves"

Nabi said and Haechan nodded.

"We can go now then"

Haechan said and stood up. He looked at her and sighed.

"Dress sexy"

Haechan demanded as he walked over to his closet. Nabi was taken aback.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me"

Nabi scoffed and watched the younger find something to wear. She stood up and walked over to the large duffle bag she had brought with her and she smirked, seeing the perfect dress.

She pulled it out and looked at Haechan before she grabbed what she needed and went to the bathroom to get ready for her night out.

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