007 - Cat Allergies

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The first 30 minutes of the car drive was quiet. It was an angry tension in the air.

Haechan came to a stop at a red light and he looked at Nabi and sighed before he spoke.

"I'm 18 years old to answer your question from earlier"

Nabi groaned and slapped her forehead.

"Fuck! Finally, you answer my question after what? 30 minutes?"

Haechan shrugged and looked around before the light finally turned green and he drove off again.

"I wouldn't assume there's a guest bedroom, there's 23 of us total so you can take my bed"

Nabi looked Haechan up and down and scoffed.

"What happened to not being nice?"

Haechan rolled his eyes as he kept his eyes on the road.

"I changed my mind, I guess I gotta be nice if I wanna keep my head, doesn't mean my sanity will stay because of you"

Nabi mocked Haechan by rolling her eyes and she shook her head.

Soon when they pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, Haechan parked and he looked at Nabi before getting out.

Nabi sent a glare towards Haechan before getting out herself and she walked towards the doors of the building.

"Slow down! I got little legs!"

Haechan yelled out in a sarcastic tone of voice as Nabi continued her speed walk to reach her apartment that was upstairs on the second floor.

Nabi turned and looked at Haechan as she stood at the bottom of the stairs case and she sighed.

"Could you stop dragging your feet?"

Nabi said with such a great attitude

"Would you stop being a pain in my ass?"

Haechan came back with much more attitude and followed Nabi up the stairs until they reached the door of her apartment room.

She unlocked the door and opened it. She walked inside with Haechan behind her. Haechan closed the door and looked around, not at all impressed by the small enclosed place he was embarrassed to call an apartment.

Nabi went to her room grabbed her biggest duffle bag and stuffed all her clothing and belongings inside but with care of course.

From the other room, a sneeze was heard from Haechan

"Fucking... stupid cat"

Haechan said as he rubbed his nose and sneezed again. Just like Jeno, he was allergic to cats which was why he hated them so much.

He sniffled and stared at the cat who came out of hiding and looked at him with lots of curiosity.

"Don't you dare.."

As he said that short sentence, Hina, Nabi's cat trotted over to him and walked between his legs and around him.

Another sneeze was heard from Haechan and he grunted.

"You better have someplace else for this fucking cat, it's not going in my room"

Haechan said as he backed away from Hina who just kept following him around.

Nabi came out of her room and put the duffle bag over her shoulder and she smiled.

"I have a friend who would love to have her around"

She walked to the door and she opened it.

"Hina! Come~"

Nabi said and Hina came running to her and followed her out of the room. Haechan looked at the cat in disgust followed her out of the apartment and closed the door.

Nabi walked down the hall to a different apartment room and knocked on the door. Shuffling was heard from inside before her friend Yuri answered the door.

"Oh? Nabi Unnie? What brings you here?"

Nabi smiled softly and she sighed.

"I'm leaving, it's a long story, I don't know when I'll be back but I need you to take Hina for me"

She looked down at Hina who ran into Yuri's apartment after Haechan spooked her away from rubbing against his legs.

Yuri's eyes traveled from the cat running inside her apartment to the key in her hand that she now possesses and then to the unfamiliar boy, she understood instantly.

"He's allergic to cats, don't worry, she'll be loved under my care... text me when you get the chance, we can get a drink sometime"

Yuri gave Nabi a hug who returned the hug and she sighed.

"You're the best Yuri"

"Don't worry Nabi, now go"

Yuri smiled and let go of Nabi before she pet Nabi's hair and she closed her door and started to call for Hina.

Nabi looked at Haechan and started walking towards the stairs that led down to the ground floor.

"You didn't tell me you were allergic to cats"

"I am not, it's just dust"

Haechan lied his ass off while he rubbed his eyes that got irritated from the allergic reaction of the cat. His eyes started to water and it looked like he was crying.

"Lie to me better"

Nabi said as she walked out the doors and to Haechan's car. She opened the door and she put her stuff in the backseat before she got into the passenger seat.

"Lying is what I do best"

Haechan said as he walked to the driver's side got in and started his car, pulling out and driving away, back towards the bunker.

The entire ride was filled with sniffles and heavy breaths from Haechan who kept rubbing his already irritated eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Haechan spared a glance at her and he nodded.

"Sure, a shower will clear it up"

Haechan said and he turned on the radio to drown out his suffering.

"Don't touch it"

He said as he saw Nabi reach to change the music.

"Or what?"

Nabi said as she touched the stereo and Haechan slammed on the breaks.

"I said don't touch it!"

She looked at him in disbelief and she crossed her arms.

"Jesus woman, you have some nerve"

Haechan said as he watched Nabi roll her eyes at him and turn her head to the window. For the rest of the ride, it was completely quiet, exactly what Haechan wanted at last.

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