Carlos threw his hands up in the air in the upmost distress. "All I wanted to know is if we had time to stop at a drive through on the way here, that's it!"

She ignored him and turned to Sully, a serious expression on her face. "I want you to promise me something. If I die tonight.... donate all more organs to those in need... except for my middle finger. Save that for Carlos, okay?"

He huffed a laugh. "You're not gonna die, but just in case..."

"And don't forget," Carlos chimed in, handing her a gun. "If someone gets too nosy, just... you know... shoot 'em."

"Shoot them?"

"Politely." He confirmed.

"How would I-"

"Let's roll out!"


"What do we got, guys?" She heard Sully's voice ring through the comms.

"They just keep coming. I lost sight of Cillian." One of the three Alphas from a different pack replied, grunting as he threw his punches and kicks.

"Does anyone have sight on him?"


"Soph, we'll find him. In the mean time, make your way to the middle of that field, but stay out of his line of sight." Sully directed. "Any minute now, there will be a jet landing by you. Run on it and once we find Cillian, I'm sure he will run in behind you. It's loaded with people from other packs, enough of us to ambush him, restrain him, and bring him home."

"Where did you guys get a jet?" Sophie exasperated.

"Don't worry about it."

Before she could even process what was happening, she was backed up against a building, the comm ripped from her ear. He grabbed her roughly by the wrists before his grip gentled, like he was just barely restraining his fury. He was fighting himself.

She eyed his shoulder, oozing red from the gunshot wound, but he seemed unphased. Her eyes flickered up to meet his, wide and desperate. "Cillian," she gasped.

A deep growl rumbled in his chest, but he didn't make a move- conflicted.

"Listen to me- Rumlow is feeding you lies. You know I love you and I know you love me." She pleaded with him.

She felt him tremble- with restraint, with fear, she wasn't sure. He bared his teeth at her and she attempted to shove him away. Being that he was a lot bigger and stronger than her, he didn't budge. She tried one last time and used all the strength she could possibly muster to shove him back. She managed to move him a tiny bit, enough to sweep by him. Once she was past him, she spun around to make sure he didn't follow.

A dark eyebrow quirked in amusement as he watched her. He prowled closer.

She backed away, spotting the plane circling around to pick her up in the distance. With no way to communicate with them anymore, her only chance was making it to the plane. With that, she ran as fast as she could. She knew he could catch up with her in mere seconds, but he didn't. With every step he took, he clutched his head in pain, desperately trying to stop himself.

Her heart lurched for him, but at the same time, it bought her enough time for the plane to land not too much farther from her. Unfortunately for her, time was ticking.

He pushed through the pain and reached out to grab her. She whirled around and pointed a gun to his head. Her hand trembled as she pressed it harder against his skull.

"Sophie?" He croaked, his eyebrows knitted together.

She shook her head. "No talking. Get on the plane."

He straightened, the position of the gun followed. "I'm sorry, I'm okay now. I would never hurt you."

"Prove it to me by getting on the plane." She whispered, her voice shaky.


"Stop talking." She snapped.

"I've cared for you more then anyone else ever has."

"Yes." She didn't deny it.

"I'm me again." He told her, his eyes soft.

"You're lying."

"If you kill me, it will shatter you." His gaze hardened. "Even now it's hurting you, isn't it?"

Tears prickling her eyes, she rasped, "yes, it will... Yes, it is."

"You love me."

"I do."

In a blink of an eye, his look of desperation morphed into a look of insanity. "Do it then." He ordered, his jaw set.

She faltered.

He took a step towards her and pressed his forehead against the gun, making her flinch at the horrific sight. "Do it."

Her breathing quickened, her eyes were wide and horrified, but she said nothing.

"Do it!" He yelled and grabbed her hand that was holding the gun to press it harder against him.

She screamed and dropped the gun, mortified. She would never kill him, and he knew that.

He smiled down at her, wickedly amused. "You're not very good at playing the hero yet."

With one idea left, she took a step towards him. Then another. And another. Skin to skin contact was what broke him out of his trances when he had night terrors. He was covered nearly head to toe in tackle gear now, but she saw one small opportunity she had to take. "You're right," she admitted, tears welled up in her eyes. "And you know I'm not going to kill you either."

She couldn't grab his gloved hands, nor his clothes arms. The only skin that was accessible to touch was his face.

She ran to him, grabbed him by the face, and kissed him. He stiffened immediately and struggled under her grip. She didn't give up, though. She scrunched her eyes tighter and and moved deeper into the kiss, smiling as she felt him do the same.

Hesitantly, she pulled back to see if he was back. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead of words, a quiet whimper came out.

It was as if time itself stopped as she stared into his eyes... then her eyes fell to his hand that firmly held a knife, now imbedded into her side.

The knife met flesh, soft and pudgy, and made a squish as the tip of the blade sank deep enough to make her cry out. He looked her dead in the eye and twisted the blade in his hands, all the while sinking it deeper and deeper. Her skin was tearing to shreds as the knife rotated, the sound of her muscles and nerves being gouged grew louder. Then, without warning, he ripped it out of her.

She wanted to scream, but it was silent. She couldn't say anything. Soundlessly, she dropped to the ground, accepting her fate.


Thank you so much for 158,000 reads! I'm sorry if this chapter seems so rushed :( I hope you enjoyed anyway!

Please don't forget to comment, follow, and vote!! Btw, pretty sure the cliffhangers are done after this chapter, I'm sorry lol!

We're coming up on the end of the book pretty soon :,) can't believe it!

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