'Le, is she okay?' Caitlin asks softly.

'What do you care?' Leah replies turning around and making her way back into the building to find Lia.


'I-' Lia begins, tears filling her eyes as Leah drops down onto the beanbag beside her and drapes her arm over her shoulders.

'We don't need to talk, you don't need to talk. We can just sit here.' Leah says softly as Lia drops her head to rest against the blonde. They spend a few minutes sitting in silence until Lia lets out a shaky breath

'Caitlin has feelings for Katie...' Lia says quietly causing Leah to immediately tighten her arm around her.

'Oh shit.' Leah replies.

'Mm... She says nothing has happened between them but she didn't want to just keep me hanging on when she was developing feelings for Katie.' Lia says.

'Okay, well that's something I suppose but it's not going to make you feel any better right now.' Leah replies.

'I just- I don't want to look at either of them right now. I don't even know if Katie feels the same.' Lia admits shaking her head.

'Why don't you come stay at mine for a few days? Adjusting to living somewhere without someone is hard.' Leah suggests.

'No, then you'll feel like you need to stay in and not go see Courtney.' Lia says.

'I'm not seeing Court tonight. I told her I wanted to make sure you were okay because I was worried about you.' Leah replies.

'I'll stay tonight then, if that's okay.' Lia says and the blonde nods her head.

'Of course it's okay... Maybe we can get a takeaway and just watch some ridiculous films?' Leah replies.

'Sounds perfect.' Lia says softly. Leah kisses the top of the other woman's head as they spend a few minutes in silence before Lia runs her hands over her face.

'Right, let's go do some training.' Lia says.

'You sure? Jonas said we could take as long as we needed.' Leah asks.

'Mm-hmm... I'm not moping in here all day and then possibly not being in contention for the game?' Lia replies causing Leah to smile.

'That's my girl.' Leah says.


'Hey, lovely lady... How was your training session?' Courtney asks smiling as Leah drops back to rest her head against the sofa while holding the phone in front of her.

'Hey, you. It was good, exhausting and I would much rather have spent longer lying in bed with you but it was necessary.' Leah replies shrugging her shoulders.

'Mm... I would much rather you spent longer in my bed as well. Did you go out for coffee with Lia?' Courtney asks.

'No, she's going to stay at mine tonight and we're going to have a takeaway... She's just gone home to pick up her stuff. I'll explain it all to you tomorrow but yeah, it's not a good situation.' Leah replies.

'You two are close yeah?' Courtney asks and Leah nods her head.

'Mm... She's one of my best mates. I can't wait for you to meet her.' Leah replies smiling.

'So, remember you were talking about that date...' Courtney says smiling as she watches Leah's face light up.

'Mm-hmm.' Leah replies.

'Elle is coming down on Tuesday. She's only staying until Thursday but she's said she's more than happy to babysit Tuesday night, if you're free then and still fancy it.' Courtney says causing Leah to grin.

'Of course I still fancy it. I'll plan something for us. Is there anything in particular you fancy?' Leah asks.

'Mm-mm... Surprise me.' Courtney replies smiling.

'How's Bunny? What have you guys been up to today?' Leah asks.

'She's good. We had a proper lazy day today. Didn't leave the house... Bunny had a long-lie as well which was nice.' Courtney replies.

'Sounds like a perfect day... I could be doing with a lazy day I think. I'm absolutely shattered.' Leah admits.

'Are you back in training tomorrow or do you have some time off?' Courtney asks.

'Mm-hmm... Back in training. It's all go because we've got the final coming up as well.' Leah replies.

'Hopefully you'll get a bit of a break at some point soon.' Courtney says.

'Unlikely.' Leah replies quietly.

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