Moondae, You Have A Baby?!: Chapter 14- Jaehyun Cried??

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Both TeStar and VTIC members are frozen as they see the leader of the VTIC crying. Oh, not in his adult state but as baby Jaehyun.

When did it start?



The poker face of baby Jaehyun is looking at Chaeyul. As soon as he came back, instead of heading to the accommodation of VTIC, he headed to the accommodation of TeStar.

And he did not regret it.

Covering his mouth, he just can't help but find it amazing how the pictures he saw finally come to life. Not that he didn't believe with what he heard but it is just amazing how Cheongryeo really turns to a baby.

Baby Jaehyun just looked at Chaeyul standing in frozen admiration.

"He is so... cute!!!"

About to hug baby Jaehyun, he hug the air.


Baby Jaehyun succeeded in running away.


He called and rushed hugging Kongi.

"Jaehyun is... yeah, Jaehyun..."

The other guys giggled.

Watching television, Cheongwoo played a video of dogs in WeTube. He remembered that Cheongryeo are fond of dogs. Maybe he will like it.

It was fun, he even swings his feet as he hug Kongi while sitting on the couch.



The video shows a dog. He is... ill. And... for some reason, Moondae noticed that every time a particular dog would show up, Jaehyun's attention would look at it.

As if... he likes that dog or something.


Eugene handed Moondae a sliced apple. But before Moondae could even pick it up, a loud cry echoed the whole living room.


Everyone stopped in what they were doing. But even still, even Bae Sejin didn't know what to do at times baby would cry.

It was... a disaster.

No one knows why and how to calm baby Jaehyun down.

Looking at the screen, there they saw dogs of different breeds. But the show seems to be an advertisement for fundraising for stray dogs. Of course, it would show parts of dogs in poor health.

And for those with a weak heart for them...

"Wahhh~ Wahhh~"

Tears are pouring down continuously. It was the first time he ever cried. Not when he can't go up the bed, not when he can't find Kongi when Kongi hides, not when Moondae is away for so long...

It was... it was as if he was so moved by the video for it touches his very soul...


<<< End of flashback

"Moondae, do... something"

Bae Sejin pushed the said guy as the others were frozen in their places. Even Ahyeon was flustered with the situation.

"Do he want apples?" Cha Eugene asked while still holding the sliced apples.

"Eugene!" Raebin called his attention to not do something stupid. He tries his best not to call that guy idiot since it is not good for children to hear such words...

Moondae, acting half-beat late, tries to console the crying baby.


Jaehyun let Moondae embrace him in hug once he saw his face.

"Dae~ Wah~!"

He cried his heart out.


Even Kongi can tell that Jaehyun is sad.

Babies have sensitive feelings about their surroundings. Of course, it is hard to not show their emotions. But they thought Jaehyun even as a baby doesn't cry like this. It turns out... he is still a human. Someone who can cry, someone who would feel pity for others. Jaehyun also has a soft heart for those he cares for.

'In his every regression, he said he would adopt different breeds of dogs... but maybe that dog is what he likes from the start... and he even admits that it may be the reason why he turns insane... those times when he can't bring those dogs every time he would regress...'

Moondae thought to himself as he realized the situation.

'It seems like he loves dogs more than I thought he would...'

Patting Jaehyun's back, Moondae can tell that the cries are not leaving at all.

'What should I do?'

Standing up, Moondae thinks of how he could calm the baby down.


He looks around and they seem to push the situation to him. As if they believe that Moondae can do it well and they are not needed.

"Guys, let's head outside first..." Bae Sejin mumbles as he pushes the guys outside.

Ahyeon did the same as Baese asked him for his help.

"Will they be okay?"

"Let's hope so..."

And they leave Moondae and crying Little Jaehyun alone.

"It will be fine..."

Moondae mumbles. Still patting Jaehyun's back.

He is not sure if everything will be fine but... kids need reassurance. Even if things in the future are unpredictable...

"You did your best to help them... they will be fine..."

For someone who donated his fortune for those dogs...

"Everything will be fine..."

Somehow, as he pats Jaehyun's back, the cries become softer.

"So... if you want to continue helping them... turn back and help those dogs"

Mumbling those words, as if Jaehyun understood what it meant, he stopped crying.

Before Moondae could even tell, Jaehyun fell asleep.

Patting baby Jaehyun's back, Moondae had a small smile.

'Well... I think if someone would raise him properly, he won't turn out to be a bastard when he grows up...'