Kiss or Die - TeStar Park Moondae Chapter 4: Cheongryeo, You Bastard!

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Status Abnormality : "Kiss or Die"

["Kiss or Die"]

You have to kiss the lips of a person for 5 minutes without breaking apart. You will die if you don't do it within the time limit.

: [List of Available Partners ☚ Click]
Time remaining: 24 hours
Status: 2/3

First Partner Lee 'Keun' Sejin
Second Partner Seon Ahyeon


Moondae finds himself sitting on the familiar sofa with a dog who is sleeping on his lap.

Yes, he surely is in the accommodation of the VTIC's. Why is he here?

'I am dying but I am here just because Kongi won't sleep... hah...'

He is still worried about what will happen to him. He does have time left till he breathes his last but surely it is not like he doesn't have a chance to live.

Originally, he was planning to do it with Sejin or Ahyeon again. So that he could fill the quota of 3 but it turns out like this. The two were sent back to their houses. He finds a way to head out when Baese and Cheongwoo come back from their archery. They were late since they were called into the company.

'Even if Cheongwoo would help me, I will not choose him. There is no way I will do it with my cousin...'

And as for Bae Sejin... 'He can tell that Baese won't even last a minute. And that guy tends to overthink things. He would surely blame himself if Moondae didn't reach the quota because of him'

The two youngest is already out of question. Not just they are not here but they are young. Moondae won't do it. He just can't. His conscience won't keep him sane.

That is the reason why he agreed to meet with Cheongryeo. To ask him if he also did get a Status abnormality like his. Because the only person who knows the system for a longer time would probably be him. Shin Jaehyun, the one who lived for so many times as an Idol.

"You are strange, hoobae"

He started. That made Moondae avoid his gaze. He is not here to fight cats with this guy. He wants to know an honest answer.

"Did something happen?"


"Oh, don't look at me like that. I really did ask you to come here because of Kongi. But you know... something is on your mind. Right?"

Looking at the guy who was talking to him, Moondae can't tell how he was able to read him like an open book as always but strangely, he felt like Cheongryeo could help him. Not with the kiss part since he would want to be dead than kiss that guy. But Jaehyun can tell the answer he wants to know.

"Did you get any weird status abnormality back then?"

"...? What do you mean by weird?"

Moondae gulped. He know that he won't know the answer if he don't convey it to this person.

"Something like... you have to do something apart from being an idol or else you'll die"

There was a silence between them. Moondae let out a sigh and was about to take back his words when he heard VTIC's leader answer him.

"Is it the kiss?"


'How did he know? Is it... is it something that happened to him as well?'